Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Going Back Home!

Chris and Carol Green

Opinion-Editorial repeat from Thursday, May 4, 2017  

A couple of days ago, Carol and I had the most profound conversation in our relationship, since the time we made a pact that saved our 6-month old marriage. It was all about going back to just being ourselves and getting out of the maddening quest for significance. 

When you know that you have a purpose in life, it’s very easy to start down the path where you try to build a platform from which you can successfully reach out to help people. But after several failures and finding ourselves facing, yet, another critical moment of decision, we needed another one of our heart to heart moments to talk through what must happen in order for us to continue working and serving in this region.

I had just wrestled all night in prayer and my plea went something like this: 

“God, I ‘m still struggling with all the Charismatic, Evangelical and Faith teaching that has reduced You to a formula. I’m supposed to speak certain words, take a certain position, quote the right scriptures, face the right direction, tilt my head the right way, block the wrong thoughts, allow the right thoughts, loose this, bind that, and follow a laundry list of steps, decrees and declarations. To be honest, I can’t do it any more!  In fact, I don’t get it!  Since You’re my dad, why am I going through all these steps?  I’m an earthly father and I don’t require my sons to jump through hoops to get me to help them.  The truth is, they barely have to ask because I’m their dad and I want to be there for them.  I want to bless them.  I want to do all I can for them.  And it’s all because of my unique relationship with each one of them.  I thought this was how it was supposed to be in my relationship with You. It’s not supposed to be about pushing the right buttons and quoting the right phrases. You’re my Father, not a formula!”

This prayer was still in my heart the next morning when Carol and I sat down together to talk about what we needed to do next in Harrisburg, PA.  Imagine my surprise when my wife revealed that she had had a dream the same night I was crying out to God.  She said:

“I dreamed that we (including all of our sons) were caught in  a major snowstorm while driving in our SUV.   We got stuck. We could not move. It was snowing so heavily that I got out to clear off the front windshield. I realized the snow was up to my knees and started to get back in the SUV, but decided to clear the back window off as well. When I finished, I got back in the SUV, but Chris, instead of moving forward, started backing up. I asked him what was he doing?  When he backed up to the adjacent street, suddenly it was spring. He had backed up into a beautiful sunny day with all the trees blooming and green.”

Of course we were wondering what was the significance of going backwards into a spring season. Did it mean going back to work on regular jobs? Did it mean going back to Missouri? Did it mean going back to our roles as pastors? As we talked about what I had prayed about, we realized Carol’s dream was about US going back to that which was our foundation when we first moved to Pennsylvania in 2004. Everything we did and said was always about our relationship with one another and our relationship with God.  So we stopped in that moment, held hands, and prayed. We pledged to God that we would GO BACK home.

Shortly after that conversation, I came across a photo from our home city of St. Louis, MO. That photo was a reminder of who WE are as well as, where we come from.  It was a reminder that our value and worth is not in any titles or accomplishments. We have received many awards, honors and acknowledgements, and over the years, it became easier to identify ourselves with those things. We fell into a trap. It was the trap where you lose your identity in your effort to fulfill a destiny.

We have had a fresh revelation that we are simply a couple from St. Louis, MO that moved to Harrisburg, PA to rebuild, restore and renew hearts and homes. We were not sent to build a platform based on personal successes, religious qualifications, impressive titles, or jaw-dropping academic accomplishments.  Our only platform is our relationship with each other, our family, and with God.  If that is not enough, then nothing else will be.......

All that matters is that we have a genuine relationship with God; that we have a solid relationship with each other; that we have strong relationships with our children; and that we have loving relationship with our family and dearest friends. From all of these relationships, we were given an assignment.

We are simply a husband and wife, dad and mom, son and daughter, uncle and aunt, nephew and niece, brother and sister, cousins, and now grand parents.... who are out in the community trying to share with others, out of the bounty and beauty, from which we have lived.

This photo reminded us of where we come from; who we come from; and why we are here in south central, Pennsylvania.

So when we say that we're going back home, we don't mean we're physically moving back to St. Louis, MO.  We mean, we're going back to who we were, before and beyond the "Calling", the "Ministry", the titles, and the accolades.

No more fighting and struggling to prove ourselves. No more striving to get God to bless what we’re doing. No more struggling to convince anyone or even ourselves, that we are legit. 

We're going back home to Chris and Carol.

Chris: "Hi Carol! I'm your husband Chris. I've been gone for a few years, searching for the stuff that is supposed to give me significance and qualify me to speak or bring a healing message to a city or community. But I realize, all I really needed was God, YOU, our children, and all the relationships that are part of who I am today. I'm back, and it's good to be home."

Carol: "Hi Chris! I'm glad to have my husband back. I also realize that all I needed to take on this family-healing assignment was God, YOU, our children, and all the relationships that are part of who I am today. I'm here with you, and it's good to be home, together."

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Contributing Authors to Global Icon's International Best-Seller

Ghana, West Africa: Professors Chris and Carol Green are contributing authors, along with 30 others, in the new international best-selling book, ROYALTY THAT VALUES ALL : A FORCE FOR CIVILITY. 

This book and it's primary author, Dr. Psalm Ebube, presents THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HRH KING, DR. Clyde Rivers, King of Development for the African Country of Ghana.

Each contributing author and leader, from around the world, shared their thoughts and imprints in this book that also describes Clyde River's life journey with people, his mentorship, leadership, and royal influence in over 125 nations.

Already the book has hit #49 in the category of International Best Sellers: Best Biographies of Educators; 

It's #3 in the Best Selling New & Future Releases in Biographies of Educators;

It's #10  in the Best Selling New & Future Releases in Biographies of Royalty; and it's #10 in Educator Biographies.

HRH King Dr. Clyde Rivers is one of the world's most revered and popular civility leaders and public figures. He is a man synonymous with the golden rule of philosophy. Today, he is seen and highly celebrated as a symbol of world civility, an ambassador for civil rights, and a heroic mentor whose influence and image of moral integrity and leadership values extend far beyond his country of residence. 

This iconic man has influenced thousands of high-profile personnel, and his impact on the global system is what the system cannot forget. He is the pioneer of  Honor for Africa. He is unique. His humility is almost unbelievable. His wisdom and intellect has made him stand out. There is none other like King Dr. Clyde Rivers. 

His journey led to his enthronement as the 'Development King at Large' for the Ekumfi Kuotukwa Kingdom in Ghana, Africa, a kingdom that was established in the year 1348. His official throne name is King Okogyeman Kobina Amissah I. 

This has truly been a life-changing experience, as Psalm and all the contributing authors who have had personal encounters with Clyde Rivers, bring a fresh and first-hand perspective to this landmark publication. They vividly convey both the pains and the inspiration that have characterized the life of this legendary and remarkable world civility leader.

This book gives the reader an overview of the global reach of I Change Nations™ and the influence of its Founder and President, King Dr. Clyde Rivers, who's reaching the world with the message of the Golden Rule, Civility for All , People Treatment, Honor, and Civil Discourse.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Chris and Carol Green Release New Book: Responding with CARE

How do you hold a conversation with people who have a political, social or religious view that is different from your own?  How do you build so much inner capacity for CARE, that you find it hard to cancel people?

In this powerfully relevant book for our times, the creators of the CARE-Ready Life Coaching® model and its mindset-changing initiatives and education, reveal their highly recommended, tested, and proven people-connecting strategies. 

The Greens build a strong case for adopting the principles of CARE (Civility and Compassion, Awareness and Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in our personal and professional lives.

Their innovative "Listen, Lift, Launch" approach was built from years of successfully empowering those who live and work in diverse and under-served communities.

Coaches, mentors, counselors, pastors, community leaders and neighborhood helpers have been elevated higher than the “assess and treat” approach to helping or confronting people.  Instead of trying to fix, reconstruct or debate with people, one can engage the principles of CARE: listening for understanding, lifting through skilled spiritual guidance, and launching people into new possibilities. 

With its Foreword written by La-Verna J. Fountain, a highly sought after communications and conflict resolution specialist who works with large scale organizations, this book has been over 30 years in the making. 

The Greens encourage you to add the CARE-Ready Handbook to your library by ordering your copy from Amazon Books at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09LB2MXX4

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Milestone: 95 CARE-Ready Life Coaches in 30 Organizations Across Nine States

Pennsylvania, USA --- Professors Chris and Carol Green, in collaboration with The STEP Forward Life Institute, United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), I Change Nations, and Fruitful Life Network, Inc, hosted the graduation of the CARE-Ready Life Coach™  Certification Fall Class of 2021, in an event that took place on a live video conference.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented Chris and Carol Green, whose coaching and consulting business, C and C Connections, LLC, serves as the organizer and facilitator of the training. "These powerful women and men were an absolute delight to work with over the past 10 weeks."

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches™  worked through 10 weeks (15 hours) of instruction,  successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in their communities.

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches are: Jasmaa Grant, Christopher Green, Amethyst Roberson and Hosea Roberson.

The online ceremony featured congratulations from Ronald Parsons (graduate of Spring 2021) and Dr. Latinia Shell (graduate of Summer 2021). 

Parsons sent a personal message that was read: "I would like to congratulate everyone graduating today. You are now CARE-Ready Life Coaches. Becoming a life coach, I'm sure, has been very rewarding; and being a life coach comes with a lot of rewards. But it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. I wear a lot of hats - I'm a certified peer specialist and instructor, a mentor, and a suicide prevention gatekeeper. I'm an assistant counselor, training to be a counselor. I work in the schools as a prevention intervention specialist, and I hold group sessions at the county jail.

But it's the hat of CARE Ready Life Coach that ties all the others together for me. Being a life coach is not about giving others the answers, but helping and allowing them to find it for themselves. It's about listening. I didn't know or have that before.You now have more tools in your toolbox to help others in the workplace, with your family, and in your everyday life! Keep your head up and utilize the gift that God has given you. And again, congratulations!"

Dr. Shell speaking virtually to the new coaches shared: "I had the good fortune of not only being a student in the program and receiving my coaching credential, but also a client, and that's really what brought me back to get my certification. I was actually a client and it changed my life in ways I can't even put words to it.  I am a professional counselor, so this is what I do, but this program transformed my life in such a major way. So I said I have to go back and get this training. I implemented it in my work immediately and my clients started making major changes in ways I had not seen previously."

Dr. Shell went on to share a powerful message, reading an excerpt from Parker Palmer's, Let Your Life Speak, and imparted words of wisdom and encouragement to the class and the online audience.

With the successful graduation of this class, Chris and Carol Green have now trained and launched 95 CARE-Ready Life Coaches and 25 CARE-Ready  Responders, who are disbursed and embedded in 30+ organizations, businesses, agencies or ministries across nine states: California, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. 

As the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute and affiliate members of, and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with UGCSI to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to equip leaders, working in under-served communities, with high-quality tools that empower them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

Editor's Note:

Watch the Entire Graduation Video HERE

Learn more about the CARE Ready Life Coach Certification Program at   https://www.candcconnections.com/life-coach-certification

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

STEP Forward Life Institute Highlighted in Global Magazine

Chris and Carol Green, along with ten other leaders and organizations from all over the world, were featured in a global magazine.

"We continue to make connections with leaders around the world through a new and powerful philosophy and methodolgy that seeks to change the way we approach education in the 21st century," the Green's stated.

Their STEP Forward Life Institutewhich administers their exclusive  CARE-Ready Life Coach Certification programwas included in an internationally released online publication.

Productive Business Magazine highlights and shares productive business stories worldwide. This issue focused on "Searcherdemics"  highlighting the journey of a "New Global Education System.”

Click the link below to read. (We're on page 6)

Productive Business Magazine Link

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fruitful in Every Season

We think about the different seasons that we went through in our life, and how we had seasons of prosperity and seasons of leanness; and now we describe them like the natural four seasons. 

We have been through seasons of autumn, when the leaves were falling and then there were seasons of winter, when everything just seemed to be dead. There were seasons of spring when life was returning. And then the seasons of summer when it was hot and things were happening. 

After we go through a summer season, then fall (autumn) returns, and many of us start to think that we failed. We feel like we've done something wrong, and we're out of God's will, because the same trees (ideas) that were bearing fruit, and flourishing, now we're watching the leaves turn brown and yellow, and they're falling off. And we’re like, “God, what happened?" 

Many people struggle when it comes to understanding seasons, but the reality is that it is not always spring and summer time.  It may be difficult to precisely define the season that you’re in, but that’s okay.  As you are reading through this book, you will gain discernment for where you are, and the determination to keep moving forward in God's purpose for your life.

Chris and Carol Green offer wisdom from their 30-year personal and pastoral journey, providing hope, faith and insight on how to be fruitful in every season.

Get in the flow at https://www.amazon.com/dp/1514327066


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Honor Role (Heartfelt Words from One Concerned Father)

"Many young men are understandably focused on the pursuit of the woman who will eventually become his wife," author Chris Green comments in his latest publication. "I just want to encourage some young man to change his focus from the mere pursuit of the woman who will eventually become his wife, to the wise preparations for becoming honorable as a husband and father." 

In this, his third solo authorship project, The Honor Role, Green challenges men to restore honor to the role of husband and father. 

Here's a powerful and poignant excerpt:

"In our world today, we honor and display what should be covered in modesty, and we ignore, shame and cover what should be Honored. The Role of Men should be honored and encouraged, not covered or shamed.  However, it is covered and even despised due the influence of evil in the heart of mankind, which has distorted and perverted what God ordained to be an honorable role in the family, community, and all of society."

"I think this book may surprise you because it does not take men through an outline of topical chapters and studies," Green explains. "As we moved into the empty nest time of life and then became grandparents, we also transitioned to a responsibility to leave a legacy by passing on our knowledge and experience to the next generation." 

The Honor Role is a marvelous compilation of thoughts, stories and lessons that were assembled, not only for men in general, but as a wisdom-ladened overflow from raising three African American young men, together with his wife Carol.

"I always felt that the best thing I could ever give to my sons was a father who loved their mother. And that's all I have to offer the world today," Green concludes. "I'm just one example of a traditional Black father who loves his wife and family. I’m simply ONE CONCERNED FATHER for the future of our sons."

This book is a very special collection of Green's most significant messages to men; published with the intent to fortify those who are genuinely striving for excellence in spite living in an era in which terminology like Toxic Masculinity, along with negative stereotypes, spousal abuse, and horrible histories are constantly aired and rehearsed, while male bashing is popularized, applauded and rewarded.

Order a copy for you or your son(s) at   https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GTNL8ZP


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Our Hearts Were Broken: 9/11 Anniversary Tribute


Our Hearts Were Broken

9/11 Anniversary Tribute (Written 9/11/2011)

Ten years ago today our hearts were broken.

In horror we watched, no word could be spoken.

Time stopped, Could this be really happening?

My eyes can’t believe what I’m seeing.

Did the news flash really say what I'm hearing?

Sirens and screams in the background searing.

I cannot imagine what people are feeling.

As loved ones perish while thousands are fleeing.

Overwhelmed with grief, sickened by sorrow.

It’ll just be a nightmare when I wake up tomorrow.

How could something so evil be unleashed on the world?

Snatching the innocence of every boy and girl.

We’ll never forget the moment the second plane flew in.

The exclamation of the commentator,

"O my God, It happened again!"

And panic begin to set in as we learned

The terror plot wasn’t done,

Another plane had crashed into the Pentagon.

We’ll never forget the thoughts as we watched events unfold.

Is this the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, foretold?

Is it just the random deed of some religious maniac?

Is it the start of world war three, is our nation under attack?

We’ll never forget the moment

When those towers came crashing down.

Our hearts were crumbling with it,

Knowing lives were being snuffed out.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry,

But I could only kneel down.

I prayed to God, 

In whom peace and solace could be found.

God alone can avenge the taking of innocent lives.

For the first responders who left behind

Grieving children, husbands and wives.

For the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters

Who faded away with no warning;

For the brothers and sisters

Who did not see the next day’s dawning.

It’s taken me ten years,

To put words on these thoughts.

Ten years of processing feelings

Of profound sadness and loss.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully express

What happened to us that day,

Except that I know we came to understand

The tears on God’s face!

For ions of time

He has watched mankind destroy one another.

He stepped in from the beginning

After one brother killed the other.

What religious view is so important

That so many lives need to be shattered?

What political agenda means so much

That nothing else matters?

America, America, 

God poured out His grace on Thee

As crying and wailing rang out 

From sea to shining sea.

Ten years ago our hearts were broken,

But I have to wonder somehow.

Where will we be within our hearts

Another ten years from now?

Chris Green, 9/11/2011

Chris Green wrote this song three days after the tragic events of 9/11. The lyrics are based upon the prophetic words of Jeremiah Chapter 5 (Will I not avenge myself on a nation such as this?). 

This song intends no disrespect to those who died and have suffered since that day.  However, it is a sobering message to people of Faith, that still resonates to this day.

This song is addressing the American Church and its responsibility to follow the life and mission of Jesus Christ in ministering to a nation in crisis.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Milestone: 91 CARE-Ready Life Coaches in 28 Organizations Across Eight States

Pennsylvania, USA --- Chris and Carol Green, in collaboration with The STEP Forward Life Institute and United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), hosted the graduation of the CARE-Ready Life Coach™  Certification Summer Class of 2021, in an event that took place on a live video conference.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented Chris and Carol Green, whose coaching and consulting business, C and C Connections, LLC, serves as the organizers and facilitator of the training. "These powerful women had to overcome tremendous personal struggles, which included processing through grief due to the loss of family members and friends, the continued challenges of the Covid-19 lock down, and other life upheavals."

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches™  worked through 10 sessions (15 hours) of instruction,  successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in their communities.

With the successful graduation of this class, Chris and Carol Green have now trained and launched 91 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 25 Care-Ready™ Responders who are disbursed and embedded in at least 28 organizations, businesses, agencies or ministries across eight states: California, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches are: Sol Evans, Dr. Pia Scott, Dr. Latinia Shell, and Raimyiah Stanford.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of August 2021 included: 

"Instructors were great! The course was interactive, supportive and educational." - Sol Evans

"I truly enjoyed this coaching program and the facilitators. I learned so much about myself, classmates and coaches. Very informative and I will recommend to others." - Dr. Pia Scott

"Overall, the course was phenomenal both personally and professionally. The content and the spirit-led modality made the class a life-changing experience!!" - Dr. Latinia Shell

"This was an AMAZING CLASS! Very interested in the Master course and becoming a certified trainer." - Raimyiah Stanford

As the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute and affiliate members of, and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with UGCSI to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to equip leaders, working in underserved communities, with high-quality tools that empower them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts. 

Editor's Note:

Watch the Graduation Video HERE

Learn more about the CARE Ready Life Coach Certification Program at  https://www.candcconnections.com/life-coach-certification

Monday, August 9, 2021

Will Someone Please Listen to Me?

Over the past few years I’ve had encounters with businesses, government agencies, consultants, and professionals in various service fields that have not only been unproductive, but they’ve been nerve wracking, tedious and frustrating.

With one agency, I sent them an email to ask why I never received a particular payment. The responder had me to update all of my previously submitted information. Twelve weeks later, after being sent on endless and needless trails, I sent an email and posted in all capital letters: WILL SOMEONE PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL AND ANSWER MY ACTUAL QUESTION? 

The response was that their department did not handle my issue and they provided the phone number to the appropriate entity and the matter was resolved in a matter of days. It took twelve weeks for someone to actually listen to me.

You would think that was an isolated incident, but this non-listening climate has become the normal. I see it most prominently among professionals who have offered their expertise in helping my coaching business with website, marketing, and establishing a social media presence.

When I tried to explain the thought and history of my work (so they would have the right perspective in how to design my website or promote what I do), most of them were far more interested in educating me on the proper strategies and what is trending now. The results were always something that they were very happy with, but often, not even close to what I truly needed or desired. I’d click on my new website or social media pages and sigh in frustration asking, “Will someone actually listen to me?”

For some reason, what has been lost in today’s world of "experts", is that the business owner, the consumer or the client still knows what will work best for them. It’s not the job of the consultant to first educate the client on what is best. Their first job is to listen and educate themselves on the individual or the company that they are about to serve.

My experience has been that the expert creates something that will make life easier for them; not something that will make life easier for me. They install systems or packages that are seemingly quicker, seamless, and technologically advanced, but for me, it was neither intuitive or comprehensive with my company or my clientele.

I would always try to explain that my clients are obtained by actually physically attending community meetings and events. I have to pass out flyers, meet with people face to face, shake their hands, have real conversation, and build actual relationships. Most of my clientele do not do the social media thing. Most of my clientele do not do the slick and fancy website design thing. Most of my clientele are older and they don’t do texting.  They want a phone call or an email. So I need a website and marketing plan that adapts to my clientele.

It’s been difficult to get them to listen because they insist that I drag my customers and clients into the new way things are done. So again, I come away with a product that works for the experts, but not for me and my clients.

So what am I saying to you today?

As a professional, it’s not your job to convince people that your way will work best, even if you know that to be true. Your job is to allow them to take that journey for themselves. When you step over or stomp on their thoughts and views to implement your best ideas, you’ve already lost them. You become just one more loud voice, in the long list of people, organizations, agencies, businesses and systems that are so caught up in their own fantastic ideas, that they no longer do the first, basic, and most important step: LISTEN.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Five Keys to Navigating Awkward Conversations

By Christopher Green

The awkward conversation has to be one of the most challenging scenarios in our lives. Most people don’t like confrontation or conflict anyway. It doesn’t matter if the issue is a difference of opinion, the need to bring up an embarrassing matter, or to give bad news, most of us struggle with the basic uncomfortable nature of this type of conversation. Some people have no filter between their thoughts and their mouth, so there’s no such thing as an awkward conversation, at least to them. They don’t usually concern themselves with how they are abrasively impacting others. 

On the other end of the spectrum, others have a hard time being assertive in the best of times, and when it comes to an awkward conversation, it creates a near impossible wall for them to scale. From our many years of personal and professional experience with awkward conversations that have ranged from family members to clients, we offer these five keys. 

1. Pause: Whether you find yourself in a sudden and unexpected moment of awkwardness or if you’re anticipating a conversation, it’s important to first pause, step back and consider your thoughts and feelings. Awkward conversations are filled with feelings and multiple reactions. Those feelings can include embarrassment, anger, anxiety or frustration. Responses can include shock, defensiveness, denial, retaliation, or indifference.  Taking a pause is about self-awareness. It’s about recognizing and regulating your own feelings so you’re not swept away in the tide of awkwardness. 

2. Enlightened engagement: This is all about having the presence of mind to not only prepare yourself, but to also give some type of notification to the other person that the conversation is coming. Offer a simple text, email or quick comment like, “There’s something I’d like to talk with you about today.” 

With your self-awareness elevated, confront the unknown of the awkward with confidence. When you engage the person, be clear, be concise, be cautious, and be conclusive. Engage the person with CARE (compassionate awareness with respect and empathy). When your engagement is from this higher perspective, you can be mindful to determine where the conversation should take place, as well as when. 

However, if the awkward conversation is a spontaneous moment that breaks out in front of customers, in the office, or in the living room, you can diffuse a potential disaster by saying, “Let’s talk about this over here,” or “Can we step outside for a minute?” 

Enlightened engagement will cause you to be so self-aware and socially aware that you won’t be easily driven by your own fear of the unknown within the awkward. Instead you’ll be guided from a perspective of wisdom and concern for the person with whom you must speak. This can still hold true, even if the person is hostile and responding in a very negative manner. 

3. Ask Questions:  Do not assume that you know the answers, even when it seems obvious. Depending upon your relationship, ask questions like, “Are you aware that….?” or “Please help me understand why….” 

After you hear their response, be prepared to ask the second question. Sometimes we ask one question. The person answers, and then we react. However, we suggest that you ask a second question just to make sure that you are clear and understand their perspective.  It’s not about asking questions until you get the response that you desire. You don’t ask until they say something that you agree with. If you do that, you’ll turn it into an interrogation instead of a conversation. You are asking questions until you are sure that you understand their point of view. If you feel they are being untruthful or omitting some part of their story, please know that you’re not a judge and this is not a hearing. You’re simply giving them an opportunity to present their view. 

4. Listen to Learn: If you’re going to ask questions, then you must actually listen. We humans do not listen very well. We pretend to listen, we selectively listen, or we listen for pauses and breaks in the dialogue in order to state our opinions. Active, empathetic and facilitative listening is absolutely essential for navigating the awkward conversation. If you can provide reflective listening feedback during an awkward conversation, you can take away the power of the awkward and empower yourself and the other person to actually have a healthy, mutually-beneficial conversation. Your listening and feedback will communicate that you’re making a sincere effort to understand them and the situation surrounding the conversation. 

5. Respond: Instead of being reactionary, you can make a thoughtful response rooted in compassion, concern, and curiosity (a genuine desire to understand). Most people tend to merely react to the revelations that come out of an awkward conversation with a criticism or an immediate correction of the other person. We’re not saying that these won’t be part of your conversation, but they should not be your first responses. The punitive reaction will yield limited, if any change. However if a critique (without criticizing), correction or advice comes from a position of compassion, concern, and curiosity, you have a better chance of building bridges rather than erecting more walls in the relationship. 

Chris and Carol Green are the founders of C and C Connections, LLC and creators of the CARE-Ready Life Coaching model.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Chris and Carol Green Publish a Legacy of Lyrics and Poems

In the 1990’s, when we became the youth leaders in our local church, our writing exploded through the expression of songs. 

Chris would have dreams that he was listening to songs on the radio. He heard all the music and lyrics. He would wake up and record himself on a portable tape recorder so that he wouldn’t forget what he dreamed. Eventually, we kept a portable recorder on the nightstand. We used many of those songs, with their Biblically-principled lyrics, to reinforce the lessons in our weekly sessions with teenagers.

During those years, we also began writing songs that were embraced by our larger church community as our pastor recognized that our tunes contained lyrics that could impact more people beyond the youth in the congregation. We were given one Sunday each month to lead the entire congregation in songs of praise and worship, and we taught them the songs God was giving us.

We also brought the songs to the neighborhood in which our church resided. Every week our ministry had a food outreach. The neighbors were allowed to gather in the fellowship hall. While their groceries were being bagged, we assembled some of the teenagers as a small ensemble to sing to the people while they waited for their food. We literally taught the attendees our simple little tunes, and then prayed for everyone.

This outreach grew to the point where we had 50 families, (not just 50 people), yes, 50 families attending every week. They completely filled the hall. It was as if though we had another church meeting in the building. They were an incredible mix of black, white, old and young. Some said that they no longer came for the food. They were coming for the worship and the prayer. One such attendee was a young white girl who happened to be pregnant. Then, for several weeks, we didn’t see her.

Suddenly she returned with a little bundle of joy. Our volunteers and teenagers surrounded her as she kept saying, “Come see my miracle baby! See my little miracle!”

Of course, we wanted to know why she kept referring to her baby as a miracle. Then she shared her testimony and it forever changed our view of songwriting and worship.

She revealed that when the baby was born, the child died immediately afterwards. The baby was dead; gone. She said, “All I knew to do was just to sing the songs you guys taught me. So I just started singing those songs over my baby, and she came back to life. So here she is; my little miracle.”

Of course we all rejoiced with her.

From that moment to this one right now, we have not cared about trying to make it ‘big’ in the music industry. We don’t care if we are ever well-known, famous worship artists, worship writers, or any of those titles.  Our songs may never receive any awards or accolades in the Christian music industry or any other music industry. 

The highest level has already been reached and that was for them to be used by God in a powerful way. God had given us songs, and those songs of praise and worship had been instrumental in imparting faith into a new mother; in resurrecting her baby from the dead.

When it comes to writing songs, poetry, books, or anything else that we put down on paper or type into a computer, we realize God has allowed us to experience His purpose for our writing gifts. 

Only a small elite group of songwriters in this world will receive earthly awards and recognition, but this miracle was the highest honor. Our focus was set: We’re writing for God alone.

---Chris and Carol Green

Order Our Lyrical Life from Amazon Books

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Milestone: 87 CARE-Ready Life Coaches in 25 Organizations Across Six States

Pennsylvania, USA ---Chris and Carol Green, in collaboration with United Graduate College and Seminary International, graduated the first CARE-Ready Life Coach Certification Spring Class of 2021, an event that took place on a live video conference.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented Chris and Carol Green, who's business, C and C Connections, LLC, serves as the organizers and facilitators of the training. "This class had to overcome tremendous personal struggles, which included the loss of two family members, the continued challenges of the Covid-19 lock down, and other life upheavals."

The newest CARE-Ready™ Coaches worked through 10 sessions (15 hours) of instruction,  successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in their communities.

With the successful graduation of this class, the Greens have now trained and launched 86 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 25 Care-Ready™ Responders, who are disbursed and embedded in at least 25 organizations or ministries across six states: Pennsylvania, California, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina and Tennessee.

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches are: Patrice Grace, Winopa Mbakop, and Ronald Parsons.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of June 2021 included: 

"This class was truly awesome!  I thank God for being able to take the course." 

"I am looking forward to using all the tools and strategies that I have learned through the training."

"This class meant a lot to me. It gives me the opportunity to do things from a different point of view."

As the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute and affiliate members of, and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI) to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in underserved communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts. 

Editor's Note:

Watch the Graduation Video HERE

Learn more about the CARE-Ready Life Coach Certification Program at https://www.candcconnections.com/life-coach-certification

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Speaking at Fatherhood Academy Support Group Session

Pennsylvania, USA---- Community Life Coach, Chris Green was the facilitator of today's session for the Fatherhood Academy Support Group. These weekly sessions are sponsored by Life Esteem, Inc, for men 18 years and older. This support group is especially helpful for men who are reuniting with their families involved in separation or divorce from their family, or simply to improve their parenting skills. 

"We launched tonight's session by talking about the The Process of Success: 8 Key Elements to Fulfilling Purpose," Coach Chris explained. "The conversation was so engaging that we only made it through 3 of the 8 elements. That's because this workshop is all about a self inspection; not for tearing men down, but to rebuild, restore and renew them. I felt the conversation was powerful and impactful."

Dr. Nathaniel Gadsden, who leads the weekly outreach, invited Coach Green to return and continue the Process of Success workshop next week, encouraging the men to spread the word and bring a friend. 

"This discussion about process is real and raw," Coach Chris Green concluded. "And it is revitalizing for men: husbands, fathers, brothers and sons. I look forward to this opportunity to serve Dr. Gadsden and work with the men in this community."

Editor's Notes:

Chris (and Carol) Green are authors, educators, entrepreneurs, certified master CARE-Ready life coaches, leadership consultants, songwriters, poets, compassionate listeners, ordained ministers, traditional marriage and  family advisers, conflict resolution mediators, holistic wellness promoters, and human value advocates.


With over 30 years of urban community outreach experience, today they focus most of their energy and efforts connecting with local and international leaders who desire to make a meaningful impact when working in under-served and diverse communities. 

Through their Listen, Lift, Launch initiatives and their proven training models, they retool, equip and empower community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers, to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE-Ready Responding  (Civility Awareness with Respect and Empathy) and CARE-Ready  Coaching (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives.

Their community-supporting initiatives have included hosting free monthly group CARE coaching sessions in an unemployment center, on-call CARE-Ready coaching support and training for the staff of a women's homeless shelter, CARE-Ready coach training of mentors in an ex-offenders program, consultation with local service organizations, and collaborating with various community outreach efforts.


For their community service, they were inducted in the 2021 World Book of Greatness. They also received the Harambee 2019 Community Leadership Award  and a United Way 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nomination. They received Urban Leadership Awards (2016) and Community Ambassador Awards (2015) from iChange Nations™, and Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace Awards (2015) as part of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative to the United Nations through Golden Rule International.​​


They have also been the recipients of honorary doctorate degrees (conferred in 2016 and 2018) in Christian Leadership (Chris), Humanities (Carol), and Society & Human Rights (both) to acknowledge their many years of service and significant contributions to society and the field of life coaching.


Chris and Carol have been married over 40 years and have raised three sons. They have two daughters-in-law, two grand children, and a host of people throughout the world who call them 'mom and dad'. They make it a priority to give back to the community through their Network of Community Services.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Chris and Carol Green Launch Online Life Education and Ministry Preparation Platform


Pennsylvania, USA --- Today, Chris and Carol Green announced the launch of  the STEP Forward Life Institute™, an online Fruitful Life education and ministry preparation platform, that is an affiliate ministry and education institution of the United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI)

"We provide practical instruction that equips you to add to your faith, embrace your unique process of success, and make certain you're prepared for those once in a lifetime opportunities to minister to your family and serve in your community." explains Chris and Carol Green.  

In Fruitful Life Education, God is your source. Experience is your study. Faith is your evidence. Success is your credential.

"Our Fruitful Life Education model guides students through their unique PROCESS, which releases God's SUCCESS in the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams of helping people," the Greens shared.

"We define Fruitful Life Education as the God-sent wisdom and insight that one gains from experience and instruction, leading to growth and development in all dimensions of life: Spiritual, Physical, Social, Intellectual, Emotional, Mental, Occupational, Financial, and Environmental."

1.) In the STEP Forward Fruitful Life Education model, spiritual growth and maturity are set at the core of one’s life, with all other dimensions emanating from, revolving around, and strengthened by a spiritual (Faith) center.

2.) In the STEP Forward Ministry Preparation model, your education is like a prospectus document that outlines something that doesn't exist, and describes what it will become. Your ministry preparation is the same.  It is not merely projecting an academic goal, business proposal, white paper, or mission statement, but it is a life development philosophy, that trains and prepares you to release God's solutions in real time, to real people, in the real world, and set yourself apart as an effective and creative contributor to your family and community's success.

The STEP Forward  platform includes Chris and Carol Green, along with Fruitful Life Instructors: Madeline Clark, Certified CARE Minister and Pastor of New Zion Agape Fellowship; Mary Dennis, Certified Faculty and Servant Leader, overseeing Intercessory Prayer; Maxine Wright, Certified Faculty and Ministry Leader of Open Arms House of Love; and Alton and Shavaun Jackson, Adjunct Instructors and Ministry Leaders of The Givers of Hope Experience.


In addition to their main roster of instructors, STEP Forward also provides guest instructors that include:


Dr. Raphael Green, (D.Ed.Min)

Presiding Bishop of Metro Christian Worship Center

St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Bishop Paul Veney

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA


Frank King, (D.Jur.)

Senior Pastor of Refreshing Waters Worship Center

Kansas City, Missouri, USA


Amethyst Roberson, (MA, LPC, NCC)

A R Therapy and Consulting LLC

St. Louis, Missouri, USA


John and Kerry Shuey

Kingdom Quest Ministries

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, USA

This online institute was officially endorsed by World Civility leaders, H.E. Sir Dr. Clyde Rivers, who is also the founder and president of I Change Nations.


The Life Educational model was endorsed by the 2020 I Change Nations Global Educator of the Year, Professor Michal P. Pitzl, who is also the Chancellor of United Graduate College and Seminary International.


"The STEP Forward Life Institute has been in the works for 16 years," Chris and Carol Green concluded. "We believe we were being prepared all along to provide this tangible way to strengthen, equip and empower people to do effective works of service in their families and communities."

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Online Occupational Wellness Session for Opioid Recovery Program

Pennsylvania, USA ---- Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green were the main presenters and facilitators of an online Holistic Wellness Presentation for Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center in Harrisburg, PA. This session’s topic was Occupational Wellness.

Occupational Wellness is one of the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, which are all deemed to be necessary in order for an individual to experience and have a healthy, balanced and meaningful life. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness are: Social Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Physical Wellness, Financial Wellness, Occupational Wellness, and Environmental Wellness.

 “Occupational Wellness is connected to a healthy view of what it means to be successful,” according to Chris and Carol Green, who have been married for 40 years. “We see this wellness connected to success in every area of our lives, starting with our family. Our process of success took us through a journey of detours, disappointments, and discoveries that were all necessary for our overall wellness.”

The objective of the session was that all participants would:

1. Have an understanding of what is meant by the term “Occupational Wellness

2. Recognize the four components of Ikigai.

3. Have an opportunity to consider their personal occupational wellness.

Carol Green brought forth a masterful presentation as she helped the participants understand the Japanese concept of Ikigai: the reason for being or purpose.  

“There are four main components of Ikigai” she explained, “Passion-what you love, Mission-what the world needs, Vocation-what you can get paid for, and Profession-what you are good at.  The goal is to have a balanced sense of Ikigai, which can enhance occupational wellness in our lives.”  

In concluding, Chris Green gave practical advice on how to achieve success and Occupational Wellness. He recommended that the online audience embrace eight key elements in their process of success.

“We think about the different seasons that we went through in our life, and how we had seasons of prosperity and seasons of leanness,” explained Chris Green. “We describe it like the natural four seasons. We have been through seasons of autumn, when the leaves were falling and then there were seasons of winter, when everything just seemed to be dead. There were seasons of spring when life was returning. And then the seasons of summer when it was hot and things were happening. Understanding how to flow in all seasons is key to understanding both perspective and the process of success.”

The Wellness Series host, and founder of the Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center, Pat Gadsden, concluded the online session with one of her well-known questions:  ”Do you live to work or work to live?”

Editor's note: Watch Chris and Carol Green’s Presentation HERE