Friday, November 20, 2020

In Spite Covid, Lockdown Challenges, Now Over 80 Coaches Certified

UGCSI, USA ---Master Life CARE-Ready Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, graduated their second and final  Live Video Conference-based Coaching Certification Class in 2020. This class included students from Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented facilitators Chris and Carol Green. "They overcame personal struggles, hospital emergencies, the Covid-19 lock down, and life upheavals to work through an accelerated, rigorous training that included video conferencing, homework assignments, probing discussions, and self discovery; which all led to tonight: Official Certification as CARE-Ready Life Coaches.”

After working through 10 weeks (15 hours) of instruction, the newest CARE-Ready™ Coaches successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in the community.

“All of 2020 has been challenging,” explains Chris Green, “We launched a class back in March, when the Covid-19 lock downs first started. We instantly shifted that group of students to a live video conferencing format and they graduated in May. After a lull through the summer months, we launched a class in September and that group of students showed great resiliency to reach this very special night to celebrate their accomplishments.”

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI) to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts. 

The Greens, who are also Professors of Searcher Education at UGCSI, have now trained and certified 84 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 25 Care-Ready™ Responders since launching their CARE-Ready Coaching Certification program. These 21st-century, success-ready coaches are dispersed among 23 organizations, agencies, and outreaches across their city, region, and the United States.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of November 2020 included:

“It was such a privilege to take this trainingWhen I first started this training I had some assumptions, but by the time I got through this course my assumptions were challenged and diminished."

"In the words of author, Ever Garrison, “A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in the pupils.” My recent acquisition as a certified life coach poignantly personifies both of your efforts. You have empowered me. I will use this knowledge to enhance my opportunities as a life coach. Thank you for stretching my horizons.."

"This class was awesome and emotional because we had to go through every single thing that we are going to put other people through; which means we had to really deal with some junk in our own closets. This course adjusted my outlook on what it will mean to life coach others."

"There's been times I didn't think I would make it and the classes helped me in the process I was going through. Thank you to the Greens; you have been angels in my life."

Watch the Replay of the Online Ceremony HERE

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready™ Coaches, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready™ Coaching mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready™ Providers and Coaches, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Promoting Experiential Success on The Africa Civility Show


Maputo, Mozambique, Africa ---- Professional Life Coaches Chris and Carol Green were guest on The Africa Civility Show, hosted by Professor Mateus Mutola. 

The Africa Civility Show is a Live stream platform based in Mozambique, Africa, for the gathering of hundreds of thoughtful and iconic Leaders, Influencers, Humanitarians and Doers from around the world, who share a common interest in practical solutions for the sustainable development of Africa.

The Africa Civility Show expects to reshape the way the world thinks about and looks at Africa and help rebuild her confidence in herself, so she becomes the Oasis of the world.

"We were very excited about the opportunity to share some of the solutions that have been working in our field of expertise," the Greens expressed after the show. "It is an incredible honor to bring our contribution to the vision of Professor Mutola."

As authorities in their field of Searcher Education and Life CARE Coaching, Professors Chris and Carol Green were interviewed along with Chancellor, Professor Michal Pitzl of United Graduate College and Seminary International. Together they delivered nuggets of wisdom for viewers in the Continent and Diaspora, how they have used the Searcher Education concept to benefit humanity and hence, how Africans can use the very same concepts to build themselves and the continent at large.

The Greens were specially handpicked in collaboration with H. E. Ambassador Dr. Sir Clyde Rivers to participate on the Show as Speakers / Panelist. The event took place on Wednesday, (Veterans Day in the USA), November 11th, 2020. Theme for discussion: Searcher Educations' Role in Generational Transformation.

Watch a video that features their commentary at