John and Kerry Shuey endorse the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.
Friday, October 6, 2017
Launching Servant-Leadership, Spiritual Wellness Hub
John and Kerry Shuey endorse the Fruitful Life Network with high recommendations for community leaders, organizations, churches and businesses to consider investing in their leaders and teams by utilizing the people-building training and certifications that are available through Chris and Carol Green.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Five Kinds of People That Are Part of Your Process of Success
By Christopher Green
Best-Practice Principles for Your Path of Success
One of my spiritual daughters called and asked for some advice. I had just written these thoughts earlier that day, so I was able to share what had just come to my heart. I'll share with you what I gave to her.
There are at least five kinds of people that will come along as you journey through life and they are part of your process of success.
You will encounter the:
1. Curious – They just observe you and watch you. They may hang around for a couple of weeks or even months, but they eventually move on once they discover that you are not going to allow them to drain you. Others leave when they realize you have nothing that they want or need anymore.
2. Critics – After observing you, they begin to make assessments and evaluations based upon their own standards or personal preferences. They are usually comparing you to a person they know, to a person they would like to be, or to the mythical person that no one can be. They are not the same as a close friend who will tell you the truth about yourself or give you constructive criticism. The negative energy that the “Critics” bring into your space can be so strong that you can begin to doubt yourself. Every time they are around, you feel you should check yourself in the mirror to see if there’s something stuck in your teeth or hanging from your nose. You always feel self conscious around them and not self confident. If you wait for them to leave your space, they never will. You have to politely clear them out of your path.
3. Crazies – They are consumers and never producers. They are the pretenders and the time wasters (blood suckers and leeches), who do nothing more than collect from you and never contribute to you. They bring confusion and drama. They seek attention and demand being the star on the stage of your life. Their behavior is often bizarre with no obvious rhyme or reason for being in your space, other than the fact that they are miserable and misery loves company.
4. Close, but not quite right - They may seem to be close to you, but you know in your heart of hearts, that there's no real connection. They may be interested in what you do (and what you can do for them), but not in you. They seem to be in full support of your dream, but proceed cautiously because they will never fully support you. You will be great for them, but don't expect them to be great for you. You will definitely help them in their journey, but the contributions they will make to your journey will be primarily in the area of lessons learned from having these type of people in your life.
This relationship is neither good or bad, positive or negative. It is what it is. It can start great, but end here. Most of us have been these type of people in someone's journey at some point. We needed more help than we could offer to them. Most of the Close-But-Not Quite-Right people don’t know this about themselves. However, you will realize it when you begin to withdraw from one another, the more you realize you're not in agreement with one another. Even though they are in your space, you will eventually see that you're not quite right for one another, nor for where you are all going.
5. Commissioned – They are ones that were sent by God to YOU. They will be committed to you, complementary to you (not competing with you), and feel connected to you. They will use their creativity, competencies, and compassion to benefit you and your journey. The best part is that you will discover that you are a good fit in their life as well. Your creativity, competencies, and compassion will be beneficial to them and their journey. You were sent by God to connect with them in the same way. In most cases they may not be with you for very long, but when you part ways, you will both be better off, for having been in one another's lives.
Chris Green is a Certified Professional Life Coach and co-founder of C and C Connections, LLC.

Friday, April 21, 2017
United Way 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nomination
Pennsylvania, USA ----In an award ceremony held in Harrisburg on Thursday evening, April 20, 2017, Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, received one of United Way's 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nominations for their work and services in the Shalom House Women's Shelter.
“When I first met Chris and Carol and learned of the work that they do, I knew they could have a significant positive impact on the lives of the residents we serve at Shalom House, “says Executive Director of the shelter, Denise Britton.
“Without hesitation, they jumped in to begin engaging the residents and furthering the potential of turning an experience of homelessness and often hopelessness into hope and possibility. Further, they committed to helping us raise the bar of effectiveness for our staff, offering their coaching expertise (and encouragement) in regular staff training sessions. Our gratitude is unending.”
A little over one year ago, the Greens were merged into the Shelter's calendar to provide life coaching support for both the staff and residents of this special outreach situated in one of the City of Harrisburg’s high-crime neighborhoods.
"We're honored to be named among so many great people." said the nominees following the event. "We learned of many others who are donating hundreds of hours per year to worthy causes in the community. It's humbling to be mentioned among them."
Chris and Carol Green became part of the Shelter’s strategy to transition the residents out the shelter and back into everyday life. Their coaching tools proved to be vital in enhancing the resident’s life coping skills; enabling them to take confident steps toward rebuilding their families and recapturing their lives.
Chris and Carol Green are certified master life coaches, urban family advocates, marriage and family advisers, and community leadership consultants. This couple created and implemented a proven coaching model that empowers people to push past the temptations to give up, and instead, make intentional, thoughtful and positive responses in spite of the devastation and obstacles in life.
For their community service, they received a United Way 2017 Volunteer of the Year Nomination. They received Urban Leadership Awards (2016) and Community Ambassador Awards (2015) from iChange Nations™ and were appointed Goodwill Ambassadors of World Peace, as part of an interfaith peace-building initiative to the United Nations, by Golden Rule International.
World Peace Ambassador, Dr. Clyde Rivers, calls them leading skilled experts in rebuilding, restoring and renewing hearts and homes; and innovators and pioneers in the empowering and equipping of today's community care, ready responders.
Chris Green is a social media veteran and an award-winning producer of a local cable TV broadcast (1999). Together, they are international columnists/ writers with the Global Journalism Award-winning team of Dr. Clyde Rivers and iChange Nations Social Media News™. They are the authors of 14 inspirational and life-building books, creators and principal writers of several blogs and eNewsletters. They are also accomplished songwriters, having penned and produced over 150 songs since 1992.
They are both licensed and ordained ministers with honorary doctorate degrees in Christian Leadership (Chris) and in Humanities (Carol), conferred upon them in acknowledgment of 11+ years of building and implementing a new urban outreach model that combined Participatory Teaching methods with evidence-based principles of Life Coaching, to produce an effective, quantifiably successful, and family-impacting ministry in south central Pennsylvania.
They are currently based in south central Pennsylvania where they established a community outreach that focuses on hearts and households, along with several life coaching and community spiritual care initiatives through their non-profit organization, Fruitful Life Network, Inc.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Launching New CARE Coaching Matrix for Human Service Providers
The innovation came through a year-long series of monthly training sessions with the staff of a local women's shelter, and culminated in the presentation of a strategy the shelter could implement to ensure that every employee or volunteer is introduced to a Golden-Rule-based approach in their daily service to their clients and residents.
"We have been strategically introducing the staff to human value core beliefs," explains Coach Carol Green, "Then we took them through personality assessments and self-awareness exercises, which proved to be necessary to get the needed buy-in for changing the way one has been doing things. It is a huge challenge to get people, who have been involved in human services for many years, to adopt a life coaching approach within a traditional case management system."
The Greens have learned that organizations and agencies across the United States are recognizing the need to change and improve their training in helping their workers make a better connection with their clients. However, many case workers are still struggling with their own personal demons and inner barriers, which come rushing to the surface when they reach moments of frustrations with difficult clients.
"Our CARE Coaching Matrix provides a practical way for a human service organization to ensure that their staff is empowered and equipped beyond the regular job-skills matrix," adds Coach Chris Green. "The typical job-skill matrix is a checkbox that indicates how well the staffer can do her job. The CARE Coaching Matrix is all about ensuring that you have a healthy healer, who is more than just an employee who can handle her case management load."
Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many professionals and well meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.
However, CARE-Ready Life Coaching mirrors the principles found in the proven, evidence-based strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused practices. CARE-Ready life coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.
Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, we train, equip and empower Care-Ready Responders and Coaches, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities and can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.
If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, explore the possibilities at
Friday, March 24, 2017
Responding to Smear Tactics, Warn Other Community Leaders
"We volunteered our services as local pastors," Chris Green explains, "We never took a salary and the only time we received any personal compensation was if we were speakers in an outside venue, or if someone gave us something personally as a gift. The past two years, we volunteered our Life Coaching services in the PA Career Link's Job Club, offering free monthly workshops to help the unemployed. Then we started volunteering our Life Coaching services to the residents and staff of a local women's shelter."
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Please keep us in your prayers! |
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Return to Civility: Can We Agree in our Disagreements?
It seems bullying is the way to get things done in the world today.
We condemn the kids who are harassing, tormenting, and beating up other kids who are different, and not of the same or accepted beliefs, preferences, orientations, politics, religion, etc.
But then, we (the adults and leaders) have the audacity to feel justified in doing the same thing (bullying) to anyone who does not agree with our views. We go out of our way to destroy their business, livelihood, reputations and families. We call for boycotts, resignations, and firings, as we resort to physical and social media mob violence in the process. We don’t check facts or seek to understand anything. We thrive on hear-say, speculation, fake news and gossip. Things are so bad now that anyone who tries to bring healing and unity is seen as a traitor, collaborator, and sell out.
We have redefined the terms, changed the definitions, and raised a generation that actually believes that anyone who disagrees with them really hates them. Anyone who critiques them is critical of them. Anyone who tries to correct them is someone who is trying to destroy them. Anyone who differs from them is a threat that needs to be eliminated from the surface of the planet.
There is no more civility that simply agrees to disagree and just move on.
There yet remains a very simple solution that has historically crossed the boundaries and lines of race, religion, politics and economics. You find it in the words of Christ who said: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another the way I have loved you."
I still have hope that we will find a way to return to civility in our revolution to a new world. If not, we will merely step back in time, to eras of barbaric domination of one human being over another. If that is what we choose over the next ten years, we will have only returned to square one and realize that we have made no progress at all.
Coach Chris Green
If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE MORE at