Wednesday, November 8, 2023

First CARE-Ready Master Life Coach Trained and Certified

Amethyst Roberson

STEP Forward Life Institute, Pennsylvania, USA: Amethyst Roberson became the first CARE-Ready Master Life Coach trained and certified through the STEP Forward Life Institute by its founders and lead instructors, Chris and Carol Green (Hon.Causa, BCMHC, CMLC).

Amethyst Roberson is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, and a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC). She has specialized in Christian Counseling, Life Coaching for women and couples, and in Professional development services to those in need for 20+ years. She is also a dynamic speaker and author. Now she has added to her long list of credentials by becoming a certified CARE-Ready Master Life Coach and Trainer. This means she is credentialed and qualified to train, produce and provide certifications for life coaches in her powerfully effective coaching model.

The Greens have known her for many years prior to her enrollment in the STEP Forward Certification programs; and have followed her journey to becoming a master-degree counselor, and a highly sought after therapist and practitioner in her own right. Not only did she become a certified CARE-Ready Life Coach back in the fall of 2021, but then she took on the challenge to become a certified Master Life Coach and trainer as well.

 "We are passing on the legacy of the CARE-Ready method within coaching through the training and certification of extraordinary professionals like Amethyst," Chris Green remarked enthusiastically.  "Dedicated people like her are assuring us that our CARE-Ready concepts will continue far beyond ourselves." 

The people that Amethyst will train in her new Elevate 2 Impact life coaching certification program will not only receive principles and strategies that are built upon a proven coaching model, but they will benefit from her many years of professional experience as a licensed professional counselor, certified life coach, and a cutting edge innovator who will walk them through a learning experience that will transform each of them as a person and empower each of them as a life coach. 

"We wholeheartedly endorse Amethyst Roberson as a master life coach and trainer," Carol Green said. "The investment that her students will be making to become trained and certified in her coaching model, is worth more than they can possibly imagine. With Amethyst, they will do much more than memorize material and parrot back facts and information on quizzes and exams. Through her training, they will become the person they need to be, so that they can reach their highest potential as a life coach."

Amethyst has the full support of the STEP Forward Life Institute, which provides the accreditation of her Elevate 2 Impact certification programs. She now joins with the STEP Forward Life Institute's other partnering groups and organizations that are all working in collaboration to bring a fresh and effective approach to life coaching during this critical time in our world. 

Amethyst also accepted an invitation to become a STEP Forward Life Instructor, and already has three training series embedded in the platform's online courses.

Monday, November 6, 2023

People Get Our Vote, but Only GOD Gets Our Hope

As we prepare for another round of elections, we offer no political opinions. We simply present the spiritual and moral issues that are identified in the Bible. Unfortunately, the issues and interpretations of morality, justice and equality have fallen on two different sides of the dominant political parties in America.

This dilemma causes many Believers to vote for a president who is a Democrat while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Republicans. Or they vote for a Republican president while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Democrats. This is why it’s so difficult to navigate through the political process in our country. It’s also the reason it’s so difficult to explain one’s choices to family, friends and colleagues.

I wrote the following words after Obama was elected president, and they still hold true after the elections of Trump and Biden. Here is what I wrote nearly fourteen years ago and it is incredibly amazing how it still applies to us today:

After we sent an email on the day of President Obama’s inauguration and quoted from the Bible that we are to pray for him, several pastors and leaders in this community, who opposed Obama, discontinued support and communication with this ministry and us. On the other side, friends and family who supported the new president took our email to mean that we were merely offering some form of insincere political patronizing.

We thought we were (and our intentions were) fulfilling our Pastoral leadership responsibility to bring our divided congregations together and to focus on the things that God desires to do in our nation. Our email had nothing to do with either endorsing or rejecting the President.

Here is what we sent out on January 21, 2009:

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone---for kings, and for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior." ---1 Timothy 2:1-3

Make no mistake about it; yesterday (the inauguration) was a profoundly significant day. We still don’t agree with some of President Obama’s policies and agendas. Many of them conflict with Biblical teachings. However, that still doesn’t change the fact that God will use anybody to accomplish what HE wants to do in a nation.

Where did we get the idea that a political leader MUST be someone who follows all of the principles of the Bible in order for God to use that person to accomplish His purpose and plan?

Again, we're not ignoring the agenda of any particular President. We’re actually acknowledging the sovereignty of God. As flawed as we are as human beings, it’s amazing that God chooses us to do anything in this life.

God called Nebuchadnezzar His servant even though he was the emperor that destroyed Jerusalem, killed thousands of people, and carried their best and brightest into exile. God chose him to execute judgment; therefore he was God’s servant even though he wasn’t a Godly man.

Political elections are about more than trying to get a scripture-quoting, Bible-toting candidate into Office. This is about getting synchronized with what God is doing in our lifetime in America. If America is under judgment, (and many Christian leaders believe it is) then God will set the person in place that needs to be there at the time of judgment, repentance, recovery or rebuilding.

So we’re going to stay focused on the bigger picture. It doesn’t matter so much who sits in the White House, State Capitol, or sits in the Congress. It still comes down to who is sitting in the Office of MY heart.

We'll close this week's newsletter with the lyrics of a song written by a dear mentor and friend more than 40 years ago.

If you want a brand new world, you gotta have brand new people.
If you want brand new people, we've gotta have a brand new life.
If you want a brand new life, you gotta have a brand new spirit.
If you want a brand new spirit, you gotta come to Jesus Christ!
- Dr. Myles Munroe

We encourage you to cast your vote, but do not cast your cares on a human being. A potential candidate will get our votes, but only GOD gets all our confidence.

Christopher G. Green 
Fruitful Life Educator and Community Servant