Friday, May 29, 2020

When You're Destined to CARE

Searcher Professors of Process and Success 
Drs. Chris and Carol Green (Hon. Causa)

Searcher Educators are indeed, experts by experience. That experience is the foundation that H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers and Professor, Dr. Michal Pitzl describe as Authorship (Searcher) Education: A Lifelong Learning System. 

According to these global leaders of a new and innovative education model, "Authorship Education came from a collective need, from all walks of life, from several continents of the world; from everyday people looking for solutions to everyday life issues. Authorship Education drives to real life and is a lifelong learning system that changes societies." 

It believes that each person has a God-given gift and skill and therefore can 'author' or release solutions for society. Therefore, we see the Authorship (Searcher) Educator’s journey as more of a discovery and implementation of a divine purpose and plan for each life on the entire planet.

Rivers and Pitzl describe God as the Author and Finisher of our faith (actions); the Author and Finisher of our skills (gifts). You do not have to believe in God to experience the realness of this idea. They assert that each day, people can experience the practicality of the principles God set forth at the beginning of time.

In view of Authorship (Searcher) Education, we can see that our Searcher Education journey has been somewhat like the Biblically documented journey of Abram when God called him away from his family and sent him out with a promise. Abram (a true Searcher) sojourned through that land with God incrementally revealing His true purpose and plan for that Searcher's life.

In a similar manner, our searcher education revelations have come by simply following through on what God (the Author and Finisher) revealed about Chris and Carol in tiny steps along the way. Unlike much of what is done in the world today, most individuals and organizations have a forecast, projections and predetermined goals in mind, and then they will brand themselves based upon those goals to create an image of themselves that they believe will attract potential clients, customers, investors, donors, partners, etc.

However, the Searcher may not fully understand who they are and what they were created to contribute to the world because they might view and judge themselves based on what already exist. Therefore, they might forecast, project and brand themselves in a way that causes them to miss the mark.

Part of our discovery of who we really are and what we were created to do, involved taking a look back over various parts of our journey and then finding a way to grasp and articulate the lessons that were learned, along with the principles that were most consistently working in our personal and professional endeavors.

Like many Searchers, we did not necessarily have a pre-determined goal because we weren't sure what were supposed to do. We had a myriad of gifts and talents. We could have gone in many different directions. There was no template to follow. The traditional education models could neither validate or dismiss our results. This often caused us to believe we were off target, and maybe even unrealistic and naive to expect anyone to accept or implement our strategies and ideas.

We can assure that, Searchers will eventually come to a place where they are able to articulate what they are accomplishing after they look back over seasons of their lives; and begin to recognize certain patterns of consistent success. We were not necessarily able to describe and explain what we were doing correctly and why it was working, while we were in the midst of the journey. It was usually after the fact, when we looked back, that we realized what the Author and Finisher was actually revealing through us, to the world around us.

Each and every time we tried to set a predetermined goal, we found ourselves actually interfering with what the Author and Finisher was truly trying to accomplish through us, so we had to let go of our traditional and the normal world-view expectations, and our predetermined vision, and simply follow the Author and Finisher's direction.

In Searcher Education, you are often unaware of the true value of what you have until after it has been tried and tested. You can find yourself in the midst of complex situations, even embarrassing circumstances that seem to have nothing to do with being able to help anybody in the world. But it’s the things that you will learn about yourself, in the crucible of both negative and positive experiences, that will determine if you will come out as pure gold that’s been tried by fire.

Up until these trial by fire periods, our ideas and strategies are merely theories, definition of terms, clever verbal engineering, and linguistic gymnastics that can impress people, but not provide practical answers that will change lives. Your theoretical presentations may open a few doors for you to offer your products or programs, but not necessarily provide the breakthrough that people need in their everyday lives. We found ourselves on a journey that tested our products and programs before we knew we had them inside of us, and before we could offer them to the world.

Our journey in Authorship (Searcher) Education started in the 1990’s, when as a young couple, we found ourselves the leaders over teenagers in inner city St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It was during those years of walking through life with youth, who were facing some very traumatic issues, that we began to discover what it meant to truly give oneself away. That's where our trials by fire began to shape and make what is being revealed in us today.

Years later, when we came into Authorship Education, we realized that we always did these three things in order to achieve positive results. With every success story we were always 
1.) listening to people,
2.) lifting people, and then 
3.) launching people into a new realm of possibilities.

So, what is CARE-Readiness?

Although we did not understand it at that time, our Searcher Education had given us the insight to create a coaching and training model that provided a more responsive approach to the world of mentoring and coaching people. The CARE-Ready Coach is one who is equipped with the right tools to ask the right questions, in guiding someone to life's answers. They are trained to recognize and respond when someone is searching for direction, and they are capable of helping someone establish a life plan.

CARE-Readiness is Inspirational, Intuitive and Instructional. However, it is much more about being an intentional listener who earns the trust and privilege to make an impartation in someone's life.

CARE-Readiness Coaching is NOT COUNSELING OR THERAPY. We never use these terms to describe the work or practices of CARE-Ready Coaching. Unlike counseling and therapy, which involve looking back and working through one's past, CARE-Readiness is about looking ahead and navigating through the present, to reach a future with purpose.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Readiness mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. Our Life CARE Coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the participant; thus allowing people to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

After receiving our official certifications, our first opportunity to serve the community came when we accepted an invitation to host group life coaching sessions at a state employment program. Once-a-month, for nine months, we brought free Life Coaching to people who were desperately searching for jobs.

This is where the Searcher's gift, product, or ideas face the real world. After about three months, the program director sent an email that read: “Since your Life Coaching sessions have begun in our program, I am witnessing incredible results! I get numerous testimonials from clients stating how much you have radically impacted their lives. You have provided encouragement, given them a better perspective on their lives and careers, and even on how to deal with their families. Many are now hopeful, encouraged and able to reach their employment goals.” After nine months, Lynne reported that her numbers had jumped from 20% of her clients getting hired, to 40%.

During our nine months at the Unemployment Center, another door opened to us. We met Denise and at that time, we didn’t know she was the executive director of an emergency shelter for women and children. Little did we know that Denise was searching for a way to transition her organization from being a place that only provided a bed and a meal, to becoming a Center that would empower women and transform their lives. She wanted to break the cycles of poverty and homelessness.

The first few months, we volunteered and tried individual coaching with the residents, but they were in crisis-mode, and we didn't have the day to day time to develop relationships and build trust, which is absolutely essential for coaching. That kind of time would have to come from the staff. So, for two solid years, Denise brought us into the Shelter to train and group-coach the staff in our CARE-Ready coaching model within their case management paradigms.

Also during that time, we started individual coaching with the women in their transitional housing program. This program helps women who are chronically homeless. They have many factors that contribute to their situations, not the least of which have been addictions, mental illness and trauma. Since they were living out of the shelter and in transitional housing or apartments, we were able to dedicate time with these women through monthly 1-hour coaching sessions. Following these successful encounters, the next year, Denise made a commitment to have the entire staff to become life coach certified, and set this training as a policy for all new hires.

The next year, another door opened and we connected with Vladimir, the founder of an organization that provides mentorship, guidance and support for ex-offenders. Vladimir was seeking more training for his staff of mentors. When he saw the CARE-Ready model, it was an answer to prayer. He was so thrilled that he became CARE-Ready Life Coach Certified along with his staff.

From there we were invited to attend a monthly gathering of human service organizations and agencies from all over the region. We were enthusiastically welcomed. At the close of each gathering, each representative is given a few minutes to introduce their program and services.

These monthly meetings took place in the same building in which our ministry had been housed all those years before. We had never known about it. And it was best that we didn’t, because we would have introduced ourselves as ministers and pastors. Instead, at the right time, we were able to introduce ourselves as Community Life Coaches who had a new certification program available. This led to scores of people enrolling for training from that point forward.

We were showered with accolades and proof that Authorship (Searcher) Education and the wisdom of the Searcher Educator works in real time in the real world. We had two college professors, several students with master’s degrees in human service, professional counselors, educators, and community leaders who have made stunning positive comments about the CARE-Ready approach to working with people:

“When I first met Chris and Carol and learned of the work that they do, I knew they could have a significant positive impact on the lives of the residents we serve at the Women's Shelter. Without hesitation, they jumped in to begin engaging the residents and furthering the potential of turning an experience of homelessness and often hopelessness into hope and possibility. Further, they committed to helping us raise the bar of effectiveness for our staff, offering their coaching expertise (and encouragement) in regular staff training sessions. Our gratitude is unending.” ---Denise (United Way Volunteer of the Year Endorsement)

"You gave me new tools and refined the tools that I already had; and you gave me structure and organization. Life Coaching will help anyone, in any place, at any time; and you guys are amazing!" ---Vladimir

“The CARE-Ready life coach certification program exceeded my expectations." ---M.M. (retired Criminal Justice professional and university professor with over 40 years of professional experience)

"I've been in the human service field about 18 years and what this Life Coaching class has done for me is to allow me to pace myself, have patience for my clients. You gave me tools to utilize that will help me to stay in line." ---E.C. (Mentoring Coordinator/ Counselor)

“This gave me something that I did not learn in a classroom. I even have my master degree in counseling, but you still gave me something that I didn't learn in a University.” ---C.J. (Ex-Offender Recovery Counselor)

“There was a transformation. My thinking is clearer, and I'm thinking a different line: How to help people; to sincerely listen to people." ---Rev. B.T. (Local Pastor)

“I've been involved in many trainings; state-wide, locally and federally, and I want to say that this was truly from God. You provided me the hands-on training for my ministry and my recovery community. You equipped and empowered me to be more responsive. ---F.L. (Certified Recovery Specialist)

“The most impactful part was the definition of life coach, because it tells me that I don't have to have all the answers in order to help someone else." ---K.T. (Recovery Counselor)

"This training is good for staffers who don’t have formal education; however they work in the field with clients on a daily basis." ---A.Q. (Human Service Division of Children and Youth)

"I was blown away by this class! I've never felt this way by any program that I've gone through; and I've been through two master degree programs and a bachelor degree program." ---J.S. (Women's Shelter Board Member)

Our average score from our student’s course evaluation has been a strong rating of 97.5%.

Many professionals were citing the principles of CARE-readiness as the missing elements in their practices. We were bringing more intentionality and adding more in their toolkits regarding compassion and care in their professions. We could not have possibly known that we’d be living in an era where CARE would be a precious commodity for the entire world.

In our Searcher Education, we could not predict and forecast the direction our gifts would take us. That's why our training and preparation through United Graduate College and Seminary International was so profound for us. It empowered us to actually step out and be who we were meant to be. 

Traditional Education said we were to become local church pastors. (And there's nothing wrong with that), but Authorship (Searcher) Education said we were Master Life Coaches, Leadership Consultants, Community Ambassadors, International Statesmen, and now Professors of Searcher Education. We could not have predicted or projected how far our gifts would take us. We just followed the script of the Author and Finisher.

Author Education revealed the purpose behind our journey as prospective Searcher Educators, which connected us with who were looking for jobs through the government program, the residents and staff at the Women’s Shelter, the ex-offenders and their mentors, the clients of the people in those monthly meetings with human service organizations, and now the millions all over the world who need someone to listen to them, lift them and launch them into a new realm of possibilities.

Chris and Carol Green (Hon.Causa)
Master Life CARE Coaches 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

New Milestone: Over 75 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches

Pennsylvania, USA ---Community Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, graduated their FIRST EVER, Live Video Conference-based Coaching Certification Class.

“When we started this class, we had not planned to host live video conference sessions,” explains Chris Green. “After our first session at Sound Community Solutions, Inc. on Thursday, March 19th, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, so we shifted to meeting weekly via Zoom Live Video Conferencing.”

Pennsylvania's Governor announced that state's shutdown at the same time the Greens started the program. That meant making quick and immediate adjustments to change over to a live video conference format. That included extending the class schedule from 6 sessions to 8 sessions in order to cover all of the material.

“These incredibly resilient, dedicated and determined students responded to the adjustments and remained focused as they navigated through personal challenges to complete the extended program,” Carol Green revealed. “Many were front liners, serving in human service and neighborhood outreach during the Covid-19 outbreak.”

After working through 8 weeks (12 hours) of instruction, homework, and group discussions, the newest CARE-Ready Coaches™ successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made video presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in the community.

“As our time with this outstanding class comes to an end,” concludes Chris Green, “the next part of their journey is about to begin as we release them to work in under-served communities with new tools that will help make a greater impact.”

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

"We were truly inspired and encouraged by this group of students," Carol Green revealed. "We had some very special, powerful and even emotional moments in a couple of our sessions. They made a lasting impression on us, from which future classes will reap the benefit."

Since launching their CARE-Ready Coach Certification program in 2018, the Greens have now trained and certified 79 CARE-Ready™  Life Coaches and 25 CARE-Ready™  Responders.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of May 2020 included:

“I am very excited with this new journey in my life and ready to help as many individuals and families as possible with the help and guidance of the Lord and with the tools and knowledge acquired through this course.  For me it was a blessing that changed my life forever.”

"Great experience with two of the best instructors I've encountered in any training. Very informative   and on point; and an example of patience and persistence was definitely observed throughout the training! God bless and Thank You."

“You guys are awesome! I feel so blessed. I’m really grateful for you, Chris and Carol for teaching us and really involving yourselves while we went through this class. It was a great class.”

“This has been an amazing experience.”

"I want to thank Chris and Carol for an amazing class, like no other, it was top notch. You taught us so much and were hands on with everything. I’m forever grateful to you guys.”

"Chris and Carol Green led by example. They showed the evidence of what they teach by being authentic, interactive, timely and creative throughout the entire process."

"The Care-Readiness Class is life changing and I highly recommend it to anyone ready to prioritize goals and establish an action plan for their life. This class is second to none!"

Watch the Replay of the Online Ceremony HERE

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready Coaching™ mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready Providers and Coaches™, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at