Thursday, December 17, 2020

Collaborating with Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center


Chris and Carol Green with Pat and Nate Gadsden 
on the Life Esteem TV Program.

Pennsylvania, USA --- Chris and Carol Green officially joined the Advisory Committee of the Life Esteem, Inc's Holistic Wellness Initiative in South Central Pennsylvania. As CARE-Ready Life Coaches and life educators, they continue to lead by example in their local community.

“I’m honored that these two phenomenal people accepted my invitation to join our Advisory Committee,” said Pat Gadsden who is the co-founder of the Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center; and for more than 40 years, has been one of the Capital Region’s recognized leaders in health and wellness for the urban community. 

“We met the Gadsden about three years ago when we were asked to speak at a fund raiser for another wonderful organization in our community,” shares Carol Green, “At the conclusion of that event, the Gadsdens invited us to their Life Esteem television program.  A few months later, the Life Esteem team went through our CARE-Ready Coaching training. That's when we reached a milestone of 50 Certified CARE-Ready Life Coaches at that time.  Afterwards, we worked with Pat, providing co-training for the staff of a local women’s shelter. And of course, we’ve been together at several community events.”

Pat is a successful entrepreneur and respected trainer. She provides consultant services to businesses, state agencies, institutions of higher education, and human-service organizations. When the opportunity came from the State's Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs for Life Esteem to extend services to the Opioid Recovery Community through Holistic Wellness workshops, the Greens were not only brought on board to co-facilitate, but to also join the Holistic Wellness Committee. 

“We were honored and humbled to be asked to join this prestigious Committee,” commented Chris Green, “The Gadsdens are major influencers in this community and we felt it was a natural fit to unite our efforts with this initiative. We believe we can all be much more effective through innovative, solution-based collaboration.”

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Awareness with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Included as Panelists in Spiritual Wellness Workshop

Chris and Carol Green address attendees of Spiritual Wellness Panel Discussion

Pennsylvania, USA ----Today, Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green participated as Panelist in a Spiritual Wellness Workshop at the Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center.  The session was one of eight workshops that were provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. The workshops walk through the Eight Dimensions of Wellness and are designed to help individuals and family members of those who are recovering from opioid addiction.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness are: Environmental Wellness, Occupational Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Social Wellness, Financial Wellness, Physical Wellness and Spiritual Wellness.

“It was an honor to be part of this today,” stated Chris Green. “We met two other awesome panelists, and their journeys and perspectives on Spiritual Wellness were inspiring.”

The other panelists were Jennifer Parsons, who is pursuing Chaplaincy and a Master of Divinity Degree at Eastern Mennonite Seminary; and Vikram Pattarkine, a keen student of yoga and practitioner for over four decades, who follows and actively promotes a natural plant-based diet for personal health and the planet’s sustainability.

All of the workshops have been facilitated by La-Verna Fountain, an influential and respected expert in the fields of Communications, Conflict Resolution and Transformational Speaking, who is an in-demand resource for corporations, organizations, non-profits, and community leaders across all sectors. She brought the Greens on board as presenters of the Occupational Wellness Workshop and as guest on the Spiritual Wellness panel. The workshops were conducted from September through December 2020.

“For us, Spiritual Wellness is about having every aspect your life to come from a motivation of love,” the Greens shared with the attendees. “By love, we mean God, because God is love. It was the fundamental motivation in our 40 years of marriage, our parenting, in our evolutionary process, and in all of our experiential success.”

The main objectives of today’s session were for the participants to come away with an understanding of what is meant by the term  ‘Spiritual Wellness’, to have considered their own spiritual health, and to know the difference between spiritual wellness and religion. From the feedback that was offered at the conclusion of the 3-hour session, the goals were achieved and the audience was thoroughly enriched and encouraged in their spiritual health pursuits.

Editors Note: Watch a brief video clip of the Green's presentation at

Friday, November 20, 2020

In Spite Covid, Lockdown Challenges, Now Over 80 Coaches Certified

UGCSI, USA ---Master Life CARE-Ready Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, graduated their second and final  Live Video Conference-based Coaching Certification Class in 2020. This class included students from Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented facilitators Chris and Carol Green. "They overcame personal struggles, hospital emergencies, the Covid-19 lock down, and life upheavals to work through an accelerated, rigorous training that included video conferencing, homework assignments, probing discussions, and self discovery; which all led to tonight: Official Certification as CARE-Ready Life Coaches.”

After working through 10 weeks (15 hours) of instruction, the newest CARE-Ready™ Coaches successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in the community.

“All of 2020 has been challenging,” explains Chris Green, “We launched a class back in March, when the Covid-19 lock downs first started. We instantly shifted that group of students to a live video conferencing format and they graduated in May. After a lull through the summer months, we launched a class in September and that group of students showed great resiliency to reach this very special night to celebrate their accomplishments.”

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI) to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts. 

The Greens, who are also Professors of Searcher Education at UGCSI, have now trained and certified 84 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 25 Care-Ready™ Responders since launching their CARE-Ready Coaching Certification program. These 21st-century, success-ready coaches are dispersed among 23 organizations, agencies, and outreaches across their city, region, and the United States.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of November 2020 included:

“It was such a privilege to take this trainingWhen I first started this training I had some assumptions, but by the time I got through this course my assumptions were challenged and diminished."

"In the words of author, Ever Garrison, “A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in the pupils.” My recent acquisition as a certified life coach poignantly personifies both of your efforts. You have empowered me. I will use this knowledge to enhance my opportunities as a life coach. Thank you for stretching my horizons.."

"This class was awesome and emotional because we had to go through every single thing that we are going to put other people through; which means we had to really deal with some junk in our own closets. This course adjusted my outlook on what it will mean to life coach others."

"There's been times I didn't think I would make it and the classes helped me in the process I was going through. Thank you to the Greens; you have been angels in my life."

Watch the Replay of the Online Ceremony HERE

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready™ Coaches, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready™ Coaching mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready™ Providers and Coaches, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Promoting Experiential Success on The Africa Civility Show


Maputo, Mozambique, Africa ---- Professional Life Coaches Chris and Carol Green were guest on The Africa Civility Show, hosted by Professor Mateus Mutola. 

The Africa Civility Show is a Live stream platform based in Mozambique, Africa, for the gathering of hundreds of thoughtful and iconic Leaders, Influencers, Humanitarians and Doers from around the world, who share a common interest in practical solutions for the sustainable development of Africa.

The Africa Civility Show expects to reshape the way the world thinks about and looks at Africa and help rebuild her confidence in herself, so she becomes the Oasis of the world.

"We were very excited about the opportunity to share some of the solutions that have been working in our field of expertise," the Greens expressed after the show. "It is an incredible honor to bring our contribution to the vision of Professor Mutola."

As authorities in their field of Searcher Education and Life CARE Coaching, Professors Chris and Carol Green were interviewed along with Chancellor, Professor Michal Pitzl of United Graduate College and Seminary International. Together they delivered nuggets of wisdom for viewers in the Continent and Diaspora, how they have used the Searcher Education concept to benefit humanity and hence, how Africans can use the very same concepts to build themselves and the continent at large.

The Greens were specially handpicked in collaboration with H. E. Ambassador Dr. Sir Clyde Rivers to participate on the Show as Speakers / Panelist. The event took place on Wednesday, (Veterans Day in the USA), November 11th, 2020. Theme for discussion: Searcher Educations' Role in Generational Transformation.

Watch a video that features their commentary at

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Promoting Process of Success on Greatness TV in London, UK


London, UK ---Chris and Carol Green were guest on the Greatness TV show, which was created and produced Dr. Patrick Businge, EdD, PhD, DFSHC, the Chancellor of Greatness University, the world’s first institution dedicated to discovering, developing and delivering greatness in individuals and organizations.

As dedicated greatness creators, GU’s team members, business partners and global ambassadors are always researching, rewarding and celebrating greatness and acknowledging legends, creators, leading lights, masters and icons of greatness in the world.

"We are extremely honored to be on Greatness TV," the Greens commented after the show. "We want to express our gratitude to Dr. Businge for providing this global platform to share the process of success that we have been teaching people in under-served communities in America."

The Greens are the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Responders and Life CARE Coaches™. They have been teaching and training community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Awareness with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to, LIFT up and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others through their coaching and consulting business known as C and C Connections.

Chris and Carol Green are also Professors of Searcher Education at United Graduate College and Seminary International. They each hold Life achievement, competency-based Bachelor and Masters degrees in Christian Leadership and they are recipients of honorary doctorates in Christian Leadership (Chris) and Humanities (Carol); as well as honorary doctorates in Society and Human Rights (both).

Last, but not least, they are the founders of the Fruitful Life Network of Ministries which serves, equips and empowers people of Faith through: Fruitful Living, Fruitful Learning and Fruitful Legacy.

Watch the livestream TV broadcast and learn more about their success in their lives, marriage, business and ministry.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Providing Professional Development for International Professors


With Chancellor Pitzl and Chief Chancellor Rivers, online professors 
Chris and Carol Green address the Searcher Professors of UGCSI

UGCSI - Today, Professors Chris and Carol Green, joined with the Chief Chancellor (H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers) and the Chancellor (Prof. Michal Pitzl) of United Graduate College and Seminary International in an online Professional Development session for its global consortium of Searcher Professors.

"Professors Chris and Carol were complete leaders for our professors today," commented Chancellor Pitzl following a powerful, paradigm-shifting session. "Dr. Rivers and I had complete confidence that they could address every professor on that stage, and give each of them understanding in the process of being Searcher Professors."

Searcher professors are the front-line evidence builders and experiential success pioneers of an entirely different model of education known as Searcher Education or Authorship Education. In this model, Searcher Educators are experts by experience.  That experience is the foundation of Authorship Education: A Lifelong Learning System. 

According Rivers and Pitzl, "Authorship Education came from a collective need, from all walks of life, from several continents of the world; from everyday people looking for solutions to everyday life issues. Authorship Education drives to real life and is a lifelong learning system that changes societies. It believes that each person has a gift, skill and solution that was given by God, and therefore can 'author' their own philosophy." 

UGCSI is a private, fully accredited Christian College and Seminary, headquartered at Kayiwa International University, that provides its students an e-learning education model for their ministry training. With excellent Biblical programs, as well as accelerated ministry degree programs, it offers a truly practical, well-rounded international ministry education experience.

In June of 2020, Chris and Carol Green were announced as UGCSI's new Administrative Leadership educators. This couple was positioned to lead the Professional Development of its Global Consortium of Searcher Professors/ Educators.

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green partnered with UGCSI to provide an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. After successfully establishing this International Leadership Life Coaching Program in the United States, the Greens were invited to join the leadership team as Vice Chancellors.

"It is such a blessing to lead with both of them," concluded Chancellor Pitzl.

Chris and Carol Green received formal Christian Leadership Training (a 5-year school of ministry) from Dr. Raphael Green (D.Ed.Min) who founded the Metro Christian Discipleship Academy in Saint Louis, Missouri; earning licenses and ordinations as ministers in May of 1991. To further enhance his education, Chris completed two business certification programs at the University of Missouri-St. Louis’ School of Professional and Continuing Studies. They both completed a lay-counseling certificate program from the American Association of Christian Counselors.

They continued to expand and grow in their professional development through their enrollment in United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), where they received Life Achievement, competency-based Bachelors and Masters degrees in Christian Leadership, as well as certification as master life coaches through its Colleges of Christian Education and Divinity: Educational Department.

After completing the Master Life Coaching program, they took their certifications and began volunteering their coaching skills in under-served communities, and it wasn't long before local organizations began to recognize and acknowledge the high-quality work that was being invested.

In 2018, Chris and Carol Green introduced their ground-breaking CARE-Ready Life Coach Training and Certification. As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaches™, they have been teaching and training community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Chris and Carol Green are also recipients of honorary doctorates in Christian Leadership (Chris) and Humanities (Carol); as well as honorary doctorates in Society and Human Rights (both). They are currently candidates in the UGCSI Searcherdemic doctoral program.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Chosen for Success

Professors of Process
Chris and Carol Green (Hon. Causa)

A Best-Practice Principle and Discipline

Next year (2021) we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. There’s nothing like celebrating the success of a happy and fulfilling marriage, family, ministry and business, and with that milestone has come an oft repeated question: “How did you do it?” We learned that we were chosen for success.

How do you summarize forty years?  It is staggering for us to say that number. How did we raise three African American sons in a racially hostile environment? How did we manage to hold on through seasons of unemployment that caused us to lose two homes by foreclosure, and bear the humiliation of two automobile repossessions? How did we manage to hold on through excessive hours of work while starting a ministry, and a church, and another ministry, and a business? How did we manage to hold on through emergencies, hospitalizations, attending the funerals of family and friends, and keep moving on while consoling one another? How do you summarize holding on to a dream from God, but waking up to the journey of Biblical examples and challenges similar to Abraham, Moses or Joseph?

On this side of the journey, as empty-nest grandparents, we’re very reflective now. We’re writing a book about that journey to be titled: You are Success in Process. We’ve also built an online educational platform to prepare, equip and empower others who are following in our footsteps. We’re intentionally establishing a legacy and baton-passing plan so that our children and their children will know the WHY behind their fore parent’s lives; so they will know the motivation that kept us moving forward even when everything around us was falling apart.

Success comes by process and understanding where you are in that process. We think about the different seasons that we went through, and how we had seasons of prosperity and seasons of leanness. We describe it like the natural four seasons. There have been seasons of autumn, when the leaves were falling and then there were seasons of winter, when everything just seemed to be dead. There were seasons of spring when life was returning, and then the seasons of summer when positive things were happening.

We learned to flow in all of the seasons. You can be thinking that because it’s your summer time, that you have arrived at your ultimate destiny. The weather's great, you’re feeling good. You’re reaping the benefits of your labor.  But actually, it’s just one season of summer. It's not your ultimate arrival time and place. It's not the fulfillment of ALL that God has promised and wants to do with your life. 

After we go through a summer season, then fall (autumn) comes, and many of us start to think that we failed because the same trees (ideas and plans) that were bearing fruit, and flourishing, now we're watching the leaves turn brown and yellow, and they're falling off. And we’re like, “God, what happened?” 

What was happening was that we were shedding things that we couldn’t carry into the future. We were moving into another rotation of seasons. 

And then comes winter, which is a season of waiting and purification. This is the season for having our motives and desires tested and proven. We had to learn how to receive help from others and get past pride.  We had to learn the humility of not having it all together all the time.

Spring can be like the last months of pregnancy.  You are anxiously, impatiently, and uncomfortably waiting for this new life to come; however, you know there’s a painful transition required to bring the new life into the world. The spring season closes the door on your last autumn and winter. It’s the signal for new life and looking ahead.

Then comes the summer season: We refer to summer as the test of blessing. Do you forget God when His promises are coming true? Do you forget your journey, the lessons, and from where He brought you? Summer requires stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming transparent about your success. We’ve seen it in ourselves and in others who become impatient, critical and show little patience or compassion for people who are still in the middle of their struggle and pain.

So learning to flow in all seasons is what brought us to greater maturity and understanding about what was going on in our lives. Now from this place, nearly 40 years later, we can answer a few questions like: How did we deal with the pain that comes through disappointment and the hurt when expectations are not coming to pass?

We offer these nuggets of wisdom from our process of success:

1.) Start with our Creator: Did we really hear God’s voice? 

The pain drove us to our knees and seeking God for wisdom. We had to be brutally honest with ourselves about our life choices. Walking back through our decisions was a key to understanding how we got into some of the bad situations. We had to ask ourselves if every pursuit, purchase or passion was from a Godly motivation or from emotional or mental cravings for affirmation or attention.

2.) Ask the hard questions.

Be honest with yourself; don’t blame anyone or anything else. 

Was this setback a result of missing something in the instruction or wisdom of God? 

Did we really count up the cost?

Did we follow God’s steps?

Did we skip any steps to go faster in laying a foundation for what we wanted to build?

3.) Include preparation for storms and opposition.

In asking the hard questions, the answers came right away. We had to spend more time in preparation and planning before launching forth in pursuit of our goals and dreams.

a.) We had to learn the difference between chasing a fantasy versus following a dream.

b.) We had to learn how to recognize and follow the voice and will of God.

c.) We began to seek the wise counsel of those who have a history of success. This involved a wide range of knowledge and advice, ranging from certification programs from a local university, to attending personal and professional development workshops and seminars. We had 1:1 conversations with experts and spontaneous moments with elders or more experienced family members and friends. We could not do it alone.

Notice that this step involved making an investment in ourselves. We had to decide what was most important. Do you want to pay for an internet entertainment subscription or do you want to invest in a program or course to learn more about your dream career/ business, or even yourself?

4.)  Choose to press pass the pain and press toward God. 

Discernment was extremely important.  It gave us the ability to let go of things and people that we could not carry into our future. The only thing you’re giving up is your view or expectation in favor of God’s view and expectations. It’s a process of maturity and learning about who God really is.

Many believers have not been taught the whole word (counsel) of God in context. They have had incomplete (false) teachings about faith, been given fancy cliches, and rely on social media memes, so their foundations are built on sand.  They’ve been taught to say: I’m building my life, expecting no failure. Therefore, they’re not trained in how to handle the unexpected storms.  Some are not willing to learn how to persevere. But it’s important to know that God is not only working on what you will do when you reach your destination. God is always working on WHO YOU WILL BE at His destination.  

The process of success is the lifelong manifestation of God’s answers, solutions and messages that are coming through your life. We come into this world and are educated and groomed according to the ways of man. Since humans are finite beings, whatever humans manufacture or create is also finite. Human ideas, even when successful, have an expiration date. However, when we learn the ways of God, and yield to His way of thinking, we will have access to the infinite resources of God.  

With that new revelation, our disappointments and setbacks began to build intestinal fortitude, to make us wiser and infinitely more effective than those who are considered wise in this world.  For us, failure is not destruction and it’s not the end. It becomes an autumn and winter that’s preparing us for another spring and summer.  

This understanding within your process gives you the confidence to know that no matter what’s happening, you can look at the success of God coming forth in your life and boldly declare: I was chosen for this!

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Searcher Professors of Process and Success
Chris and Carol Green (Hon. Causa)

We teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers, how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. 

Many government and private sector outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined steps and treatments to address their issues. Many well-meaning professionals have used this method for decades, but it rarely works long-term because their clients don’t “own” the offered solutions. Therefore, they fail to break the cycles of recidivism due to faulty thinking and poor decision making.

Many of the old disciplines fail to address the inner limitations, biases, and unresolved personal struggles of the professionals who are trying to help people. They tend to assume that the ability to evaluate, assess and then implement a treatment is enough. However, our Searcher Education has revealed that a Helper must be able to take someone to higher emotional, intellectual, relational and spiritual heights.

Therefore, CARE-Readiness Training focuses on the Helper. These professionals are trained to be more spiritually aware and emotionally intelligent, so they can establish a relationship/ partnership that empowers their client; thus allowing the client to be part of the process in the discovery of the solutions that will work best. We are confident that Christ will be the ultimate solution that many will discover.

The CARE Readiness Discipline is based upon Philippians 2: 12b-13 (Amplified Bible). “…continue to work out your salvation [that is, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ]. For it is God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose].”

This Biblical passage reveals both the principles and practical application of CARE-Readiness, which insists on individuals pursuing spiritual maturity and walking through critical self-evaluation in order to avoid discrediting the name of Christ, even as God is giving them the strength and ability to do His work and fulfill their purpose.

A Faith Evidence-Based Article

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Named Professors of Searcher Education, Administrative Leadership

Chris and Carol Green with Chancellor Prof. Michal Pitzl and Chief Chancellor H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers

UGCSI ---- H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers and Professor Michal Pitzl have announced the appointment of Chris and Carol Green as Professors of Searcher Education and Administrative Leadership at United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI). This couple will be positioned to lead the Professional Development of UGCSI's Global Consortium of Searcher Professors.

UGCSI is a private, fully accredited Christian College and Seminary that provides its students an e-learning education model for their ministry training. With excellent Biblical programs, as well as accelerated ministry degree programs, it offers a truly practical, well-rounded international ministry education experience.

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with UGCSI to provide an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

After successfully establishing this International Leadership Life Coaching Program in the United States, the Greens were extended this prestigious invitation from the UGCSI Chief Chancellor and Chancellor, who had been following their progress and success.

"The Greens have been with us for a while," says Chief Chancellor Clyde Rivers. "They have worked in obscurity and just been faithful in helping us build a culture of excellence and honor."

Chris and Carol Green received formal Christian Leadership Training (a 5-year school of ministry) from Dr. Raphael Green (D.Ed.Min) who founded the Metro Christian Discipleship Academy in Saint Louis, Missouri; earning licenses and ordinations as ministers in May of 1991. To further enhance his education, Chris completed two business certification programs at the University of Missouri-St. Louis’ School of Professional and Continuing Studies. They both completed a lay-counseling certificate program from the American Association of Christian Counselors.

They continued to expand and grow in their professional development through their enrollment in United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), where they received Bachelors and Masters degrees in Christian Leadership, as well as certification as master life coaches through its Colleges of Christian Education and Divinity: Educational Department.

After completing the Master Life Coaching program, they took their certifications and began volunteering their coaching skills in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's under-served communities, and it wasn't long before local organizations began to recognize and acknowledge the high-quality work that was being invested.

In 2018, Chris and Carol Green introduced their ground-breaking CARE-Ready Life Coach Training and Certification. Over the course of two years, they were able to certify nearly 80 Life Coaches, which meant the positive impact of their high-quality, life-transforming program was being duplicated and distributed.

"The timing is perfect for bringing the Greens into UGCSI as Professors," explains Chancellor Michal Pitzl. "Due to the covid-19 outbreak, we're in reset mode just like the rest of the world, but when we return, we have a special opportunity to equip and empower the leaders that both work in our school, as well as the leaders from all over Eastern Africa and the world, who come to us for ministry training. We're looking to PROFESSORS Chris and Carol Green to help us build a Global Leadership Professional Development Program."

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green have been teaching and training community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, their CARE-Ready Life Coach Training™ mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready life coaches are taught to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

While many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready™ Responders and Coaches, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

"We're very excited that the Greens accepted our invitation and this appointment," Pitzl concluded. "They will bring another level of expertise and experience to our overall global mission."

Chris and Carol Green are also recipients of honorary doctorates in Christian Leadership (Chris) and Humanities (Carol); as well as honorary doctorates in Society and Human Rights (both). They are currently candidates in the UGCSI Searcherdemics doctoral program.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Song that Requires a Symphony of Lives to Play It and an Entire World to Sing It

Chris and Carol Green respond to the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd

There’s a lot of noise right now; a lot of noise; a lot of screaming. There are screams of pain, screams of anguish, screams of vengeance and retaliation, screams of mocking, screams of silence. I don’t like getting caught up in a lot of the noise.

For some of us, our silence doesn’t mean we’re complicit. Have you ever seen that person at the funeral who cries, but no sound comes out? They shake and convulse. They sob. But they don’t wail or scream. That’s me. My silence is pain that’s so deep, that it has no sound.

So I had to pull back before I spoke, because I wasn't interested in merely adding to noise, but to contribute to a specific sound. It’s a sound with a frequency that is beyond the human ear, and heard only by the heart. It's a sound that comes from not only pain, but from prayer, and being in God's presence. I have to worship before I speak. So now I speak.

One of our spiritual daughters (from St. Louis, MO) sent me a message this morning and said she noticed that I hadn’t said anything (publicly) about the latest police killings. I must confess that I have been so triggered that it was best for my wife and I to not say anything because we were just filled with pain and rage.

For a couple of days, I posted and re-posted all kinds of stuff on social media, but one night me and one of my sons had dreams on the same night, and I felt like God was telling us that we needed to go back and delete all that stuff and regroup. So we did.

There’s nothing else I can say that hasn’t already been said. I was sickened; I was overwhelmed by it all. It was too much, too back to back. It was a rapid fire punch, punch, punch, slam! I couldn’t breathe. Before we learned what George Floyd had said, we had all experienced it. We literally could not take another breath. We collectively, could not breathe.

It brought back everything: The last few years of police shootings; the last 52 years of futility, since Dr. King’s death. It brought back the years of our parent’s Civil Rights struggle. It brought back the cruelty of the years of my sharecropper grandparents. I say that for those who say that this was all a long time ago. But you don’t understand. For many of us, our grandparents, and certainly our great-grandparents were alive when Harriet Tubman died. It’s not ancient, forgotten history. It is the substance that is part of the sub-atomic material that makes up the DNA of the African American soul.

So when I say that we collectively could not breathe, you better believe that there are those who read what I just wrote and tears filled their eyes, because that’s what hit us, all over the United States. It’s not an ancient history. It’s an embedded soul-and-spirit-memory connection that knows no time and no distance.

It's an implicit PTSD response to:
246 years of official slavery (1619 - 1865)
99 years of Jim Crow Laws (1865 - 1964, and I was born in 1959)
86 years of Lynching (1882 - 1986) Did you get that? 1986
14 Years of Fighting for Civil Rights (1954 - 1968)
52 years of systemic incarceration and ravaging of Black families through government programs. (1968 - 2020)
401 years of Oppression (1619 - 2020)

And then there is the empirical evidence of shared experience. Black people from all walks of life, who have never met one another, have expressed, almost word-for-word, the same experiences. No one got together in a forum and put together a narrative that we would spread across the country like news reporters all reading from the same page. This is pure empirical evidence.

The problem with communication is that I have 12 different things that I need to say, all at the same time. I should be talking about my Faith in Jesus Christ and my commitment to the Kingdom of God. I should be talking about the need for love and hope in the midst of chaos. But I can only address one thing at a time. So bear with me and forgive me for what I failed to say, and just give me a minute to finish the Book my wife and I are writing right now, and then you can have at it. I can only say one thing at a time.

Today is just the introduction; the opening musical notes of a song that requires a symphony of lives to play and an entire world to sing.

The unrehearsed, collective words my sons, nieces and nephews have used have been these: “We are angry and we’re hurt. We don’t need your opinion. We don’t need your judgment. We’re just hurt.” They were not looking for sympathy or pity. They had been expecting at least a small measure of empathy. And they were shocked to learn that a lot of their White friends, co-workers, and even classmates, going back to high school, had no empathy for them.

I would ask if you would bring judgment into a conversation with a hurting friend, but I now realize that some of you would. You’d do the same with your own friends and family. You’d have no compassion, no respect and no empathy for them either.

So, many things have been stirring in us the last few days. We are people of Faith. We are people of Peace. We try to always choose wisdom's way. And now I'm getting to what we feel at liberty to say.

Carol and I wrote a speech a few years ago (2017). We shared it with an audience that was predominantly White. We were invited by two White gentleman with whom we shared a bit of our story, and they were willing to take the risk to have us share it with their supporters.

It's a speech about the value of listening to others and understanding others, and we invite you to that table to dine today.

Here is that speech:

Friday, May 29, 2020

When You're Destined to CARE

Searcher Professors of Process and Success 
Drs. Chris and Carol Green (Hon. Causa)

Searcher Educators are indeed, experts by experience. That experience is the foundation that H.E. Sir Clyde Rivers and Professor, Dr. Michal Pitzl describe as Authorship (Searcher) Education: A Lifelong Learning System. 

According to these global leaders of a new and innovative education model, "Authorship Education came from a collective need, from all walks of life, from several continents of the world; from everyday people looking for solutions to everyday life issues. Authorship Education drives to real life and is a lifelong learning system that changes societies." 

It believes that each person has a God-given gift and skill and therefore can 'author' or release solutions for society. Therefore, we see the Authorship (Searcher) Educator’s journey as more of a discovery and implementation of a divine purpose and plan for each life on the entire planet.

Rivers and Pitzl describe God as the Author and Finisher of our faith (actions); the Author and Finisher of our skills (gifts). You do not have to believe in God to experience the realness of this idea. They assert that each day, people can experience the practicality of the principles God set forth at the beginning of time.

In view of Authorship (Searcher) Education, we can see that our Searcher Education journey has been somewhat like the Biblically documented journey of Abram when God called him away from his family and sent him out with a promise. Abram (a true Searcher) sojourned through that land with God incrementally revealing His true purpose and plan for that Searcher's life.

In a similar manner, our searcher education revelations have come by simply following through on what God (the Author and Finisher) revealed about Chris and Carol in tiny steps along the way. Unlike much of what is done in the world today, most individuals and organizations have a forecast, projections and predetermined goals in mind, and then they will brand themselves based upon those goals to create an image of themselves that they believe will attract potential clients, customers, investors, donors, partners, etc.

However, the Searcher may not fully understand who they are and what they were created to contribute to the world because they might view and judge themselves based on what already exist. Therefore, they might forecast, project and brand themselves in a way that causes them to miss the mark.

Part of our discovery of who we really are and what we were created to do, involved taking a look back over various parts of our journey and then finding a way to grasp and articulate the lessons that were learned, along with the principles that were most consistently working in our personal and professional endeavors.

Like many Searchers, we did not necessarily have a pre-determined goal because we weren't sure what were supposed to do. We had a myriad of gifts and talents. We could have gone in many different directions. There was no template to follow. The traditional education models could neither validate or dismiss our results. This often caused us to believe we were off target, and maybe even unrealistic and naive to expect anyone to accept or implement our strategies and ideas.

We can assure that, Searchers will eventually come to a place where they are able to articulate what they are accomplishing after they look back over seasons of their lives; and begin to recognize certain patterns of consistent success. We were not necessarily able to describe and explain what we were doing correctly and why it was working, while we were in the midst of the journey. It was usually after the fact, when we looked back, that we realized what the Author and Finisher was actually revealing through us, to the world around us.

Each and every time we tried to set a predetermined goal, we found ourselves actually interfering with what the Author and Finisher was truly trying to accomplish through us, so we had to let go of our traditional and the normal world-view expectations, and our predetermined vision, and simply follow the Author and Finisher's direction.

In Searcher Education, you are often unaware of the true value of what you have until after it has been tried and tested. You can find yourself in the midst of complex situations, even embarrassing circumstances that seem to have nothing to do with being able to help anybody in the world. But it’s the things that you will learn about yourself, in the crucible of both negative and positive experiences, that will determine if you will come out as pure gold that’s been tried by fire.

Up until these trial by fire periods, our ideas and strategies are merely theories, definition of terms, clever verbal engineering, and linguistic gymnastics that can impress people, but not provide practical answers that will change lives. Your theoretical presentations may open a few doors for you to offer your products or programs, but not necessarily provide the breakthrough that people need in their everyday lives. We found ourselves on a journey that tested our products and programs before we knew we had them inside of us, and before we could offer them to the world.

Our journey in Authorship (Searcher) Education started in the 1990’s, when as a young couple, we found ourselves the leaders over teenagers in inner city St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It was during those years of walking through life with youth, who were facing some very traumatic issues, that we began to discover what it meant to truly give oneself away. That's where our trials by fire began to shape and make what is being revealed in us today.

Years later, when we came into Authorship Education, we realized that we always did these three things in order to achieve positive results. With every success story we were always 
1.) listening to people,
2.) lifting people, and then 
3.) launching people into a new realm of possibilities.

So, what is CARE-Readiness?

Although we did not understand it at that time, our Searcher Education had given us the insight to create a coaching and training model that provided a more responsive approach to the world of mentoring and coaching people. The CARE-Ready Coach is one who is equipped with the right tools to ask the right questions, in guiding someone to life's answers. They are trained to recognize and respond when someone is searching for direction, and they are capable of helping someone establish a life plan.

CARE-Readiness is Inspirational, Intuitive and Instructional. However, it is much more about being an intentional listener who earns the trust and privilege to make an impartation in someone's life.

CARE-Readiness Coaching is NOT COUNSELING OR THERAPY. We never use these terms to describe the work or practices of CARE-Ready Coaching. Unlike counseling and therapy, which involve looking back and working through one's past, CARE-Readiness is about looking ahead and navigating through the present, to reach a future with purpose.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Readiness mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. Our Life CARE Coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the participant; thus allowing people to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

After receiving our official certifications, our first opportunity to serve the community came when we accepted an invitation to host group life coaching sessions at a state employment program. Once-a-month, for nine months, we brought free Life Coaching to people who were desperately searching for jobs.

This is where the Searcher's gift, product, or ideas face the real world. After about three months, the program director sent an email that read: “Since your Life Coaching sessions have begun in our program, I am witnessing incredible results! I get numerous testimonials from clients stating how much you have radically impacted their lives. You have provided encouragement, given them a better perspective on their lives and careers, and even on how to deal with their families. Many are now hopeful, encouraged and able to reach their employment goals.” After nine months, Lynne reported that her numbers had jumped from 20% of her clients getting hired, to 40%.

During our nine months at the Unemployment Center, another door opened to us. We met Denise and at that time, we didn’t know she was the executive director of an emergency shelter for women and children. Little did we know that Denise was searching for a way to transition her organization from being a place that only provided a bed and a meal, to becoming a Center that would empower women and transform their lives. She wanted to break the cycles of poverty and homelessness.

The first few months, we volunteered and tried individual coaching with the residents, but they were in crisis-mode, and we didn't have the day to day time to develop relationships and build trust, which is absolutely essential for coaching. That kind of time would have to come from the staff. So, for two solid years, Denise brought us into the Shelter to train and group-coach the staff in our CARE-Ready coaching model within their case management paradigms.

Also during that time, we started individual coaching with the women in their transitional housing program. This program helps women who are chronically homeless. They have many factors that contribute to their situations, not the least of which have been addictions, mental illness and trauma. Since they were living out of the shelter and in transitional housing or apartments, we were able to dedicate time with these women through monthly 1-hour coaching sessions. Following these successful encounters, the next year, Denise made a commitment to have the entire staff to become life coach certified, and set this training as a policy for all new hires.

The next year, another door opened and we connected with Vladimir, the founder of an organization that provides mentorship, guidance and support for ex-offenders. Vladimir was seeking more training for his staff of mentors. When he saw the CARE-Ready model, it was an answer to prayer. He was so thrilled that he became CARE-Ready Life Coach Certified along with his staff.

From there we were invited to attend a monthly gathering of human service organizations and agencies from all over the region. We were enthusiastically welcomed. At the close of each gathering, each representative is given a few minutes to introduce their program and services.

These monthly meetings took place in the same building in which our ministry had been housed all those years before. We had never known about it. And it was best that we didn’t, because we would have introduced ourselves as ministers and pastors. Instead, at the right time, we were able to introduce ourselves as Community Life Coaches who had a new certification program available. This led to scores of people enrolling for training from that point forward.

We were showered with accolades and proof that Authorship (Searcher) Education and the wisdom of the Searcher Educator works in real time in the real world. We had two college professors, several students with master’s degrees in human service, professional counselors, educators, and community leaders who have made stunning positive comments about the CARE-Ready approach to working with people:

“When I first met Chris and Carol and learned of the work that they do, I knew they could have a significant positive impact on the lives of the residents we serve at the Women's Shelter. Without hesitation, they jumped in to begin engaging the residents and furthering the potential of turning an experience of homelessness and often hopelessness into hope and possibility. Further, they committed to helping us raise the bar of effectiveness for our staff, offering their coaching expertise (and encouragement) in regular staff training sessions. Our gratitude is unending.” ---Denise (United Way Volunteer of the Year Endorsement)

"You gave me new tools and refined the tools that I already had; and you gave me structure and organization. Life Coaching will help anyone, in any place, at any time; and you guys are amazing!" ---Vladimir

“The CARE-Ready life coach certification program exceeded my expectations." ---M.M. (retired Criminal Justice professional and university professor with over 40 years of professional experience)

"I've been in the human service field about 18 years and what this Life Coaching class has done for me is to allow me to pace myself, have patience for my clients. You gave me tools to utilize that will help me to stay in line." ---E.C. (Mentoring Coordinator/ Counselor)

“This gave me something that I did not learn in a classroom. I even have my master degree in counseling, but you still gave me something that I didn't learn in a University.” ---C.J. (Ex-Offender Recovery Counselor)

“There was a transformation. My thinking is clearer, and I'm thinking a different line: How to help people; to sincerely listen to people." ---Rev. B.T. (Local Pastor)

“I've been involved in many trainings; state-wide, locally and federally, and I want to say that this was truly from God. You provided me the hands-on training for my ministry and my recovery community. You equipped and empowered me to be more responsive. ---F.L. (Certified Recovery Specialist)

“The most impactful part was the definition of life coach, because it tells me that I don't have to have all the answers in order to help someone else." ---K.T. (Recovery Counselor)

"This training is good for staffers who don’t have formal education; however they work in the field with clients on a daily basis." ---A.Q. (Human Service Division of Children and Youth)

"I was blown away by this class! I've never felt this way by any program that I've gone through; and I've been through two master degree programs and a bachelor degree program." ---J.S. (Women's Shelter Board Member)

Our average score from our student’s course evaluation has been a strong rating of 97.5%.

Many professionals were citing the principles of CARE-readiness as the missing elements in their practices. We were bringing more intentionality and adding more in their toolkits regarding compassion and care in their professions. We could not have possibly known that we’d be living in an era where CARE would be a precious commodity for the entire world.

In our Searcher Education, we could not predict and forecast the direction our gifts would take us. That's why our training and preparation through United Graduate College and Seminary International was so profound for us. It empowered us to actually step out and be who we were meant to be. 

Traditional Education said we were to become local church pastors. (And there's nothing wrong with that), but Authorship (Searcher) Education said we were Master Life Coaches, Leadership Consultants, Community Ambassadors, International Statesmen, and now Professors of Searcher Education. We could not have predicted or projected how far our gifts would take us. We just followed the script of the Author and Finisher.

Author Education revealed the purpose behind our journey as prospective Searcher Educators, which connected us with who were looking for jobs through the government program, the residents and staff at the Women’s Shelter, the ex-offenders and their mentors, the clients of the people in those monthly meetings with human service organizations, and now the millions all over the world who need someone to listen to them, lift them and launch them into a new realm of possibilities.

Chris and Carol Green (Hon.Causa)
Master Life CARE Coaches 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

New Milestone: Over 75 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches

Pennsylvania, USA ---Community Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, graduated their FIRST EVER, Live Video Conference-based Coaching Certification Class.

“When we started this class, we had not planned to host live video conference sessions,” explains Chris Green. “After our first session at Sound Community Solutions, Inc. on Thursday, March 19th, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, so we shifted to meeting weekly via Zoom Live Video Conferencing.”

Pennsylvania's Governor announced that state's shutdown at the same time the Greens started the program. That meant making quick and immediate adjustments to change over to a live video conference format. That included extending the class schedule from 6 sessions to 8 sessions in order to cover all of the material.

“These incredibly resilient, dedicated and determined students responded to the adjustments and remained focused as they navigated through personal challenges to complete the extended program,” Carol Green revealed. “Many were front liners, serving in human service and neighborhood outreach during the Covid-19 outbreak.”

After working through 8 weeks (12 hours) of instruction, homework, and group discussions, the newest CARE-Ready Coaches™ successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made video presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in the community.

“As our time with this outstanding class comes to an end,” concludes Chris Green, “the next part of their journey is about to begin as we release them to work in under-served communities with new tools that will help make a greater impact.”

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

"We were truly inspired and encouraged by this group of students," Carol Green revealed. "We had some very special, powerful and even emotional moments in a couple of our sessions. They made a lasting impression on us, from which future classes will reap the benefit."

Since launching their CARE-Ready Coach Certification program in 2018, the Greens have now trained and certified 79 CARE-Ready™  Life Coaches and 25 CARE-Ready™  Responders.

Comments from the students of this graduating class of May 2020 included:

“I am very excited with this new journey in my life and ready to help as many individuals and families as possible with the help and guidance of the Lord and with the tools and knowledge acquired through this course.  For me it was a blessing that changed my life forever.”

"Great experience with two of the best instructors I've encountered in any training. Very informative   and on point; and an example of patience and persistence was definitely observed throughout the training! God bless and Thank You."

“You guys are awesome! I feel so blessed. I’m really grateful for you, Chris and Carol for teaching us and really involving yourselves while we went through this class. It was a great class.”

“This has been an amazing experience.”

"I want to thank Chris and Carol for an amazing class, like no other, it was top notch. You taught us so much and were hands on with everything. I’m forever grateful to you guys.”

"Chris and Carol Green led by example. They showed the evidence of what they teach by being authentic, interactive, timely and creative throughout the entire process."

"The Care-Readiness Class is life changing and I highly recommend it to anyone ready to prioritize goals and establish an action plan for their life. This class is second to none!"

Watch the Replay of the Online Ceremony HERE

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready Coaching™ mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready Providers and Coaches™, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Friday, March 27, 2020

Perfect Timing

Last night, we completed our first life coach training session using the Zoom video conferencing system and it was outstanding.

Our first session was held at Sound Community Solutions, but after the COVID-19 outbreak, we had to shift to an online format. However, even on the video conference, the participants were engaged and enthusiastic. It was a wonderful experience with wonderful people.

There’s nothing like doing what you were created to do. There’s nothing like living out the purpose for your life. All of the opposition that we have had, in all of the years that we have been in this community, has been worth it. All of the trials and turbulence served to prepare us, fine tune us, mold us, and make us ready for this moment in time: training life coaches in the middle of a global crisis.

We believe that in spite of the COVID-19 challenge, we have been divinely connected with these new life coaches who desire to be equipped to serve and help people effectively in the 21st century. This is beyond exciting. It’s sobering and fulfilling.

In spite of the current global circumstances, the timing could not be more perfect. And that's how you should look at your journey in this critical moment. What opportunities has it created for you?

Five years ago, we started our life coach training shortly after our jobs came to an end. We didn't know it then, but it was a perfect moment to make a change. Now we're training others at a time of medical and financial uncertainty. Once again, it's another perfect moment.

So take a step back and reevaluate what's happening in your world in the middle of what's going on in our entire world. Can you see your perfect moment? Can you see that it's the perfect time to embrace the opportunity to make a difference? Then do it. The moment is before you. The timing is perfect.

---Chris and Carol Green

Friday, March 6, 2020

Return to Homeless Shelter Adds More 'Life Success' Coaches

Chris and Carol with the newest Life Success Coaches (left to right)
Corneila McIntosch, Stephanie Gaul, Tina Tatnall and Heather Schreiner

Pennsylvania, USA ---Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green returned to Shalom House where they trained and certified more 'Life Success' Coaches to work in the organization’s emergency shelter and its new food service company.

Since 1986, Shalom has been working to help women and children who are experiencing homelessness. Over the past five years, through its executive director, Denise Britton, they have expanded that mission to go beyond providing a bed and a meal, to include empowering women and transforming their lives, so as break the cycles of poverty and homelessness. Today, they are known as Shalom Transformational Services.

"We were extremely honored when Denise Britton brought us back to train more of their human service and food service staffers in our life coach certification program," commented Chris Green. "They are highly respected in this region and they brought us onboard to provide training in their workforce development initiative, which is essential to the empowerment of women and children."

Since launching their cutting-edge life coach training in 2018, the Greens have now certified and commissioned more than 60 CARE-Ready Leadership Life Coaches. To date, they have certified 65 coaches through their classroom sessions, along with three additional certifications for online, distance-learning coaching students.

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

After working through five weeks (10 hours) of instruction, homework, and group discussions, the newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made oral presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in the community.

"We were inspired and encouraged by this group of students," Carol Green revealed. "Many personal challenges were overcome to reach this moment. They were willing to persevere in order to receive more in their tool kits."

Comments from the student's Course Evaluation included:
  • "This was very informative and helped me grow, and helped me to help others. I enjoyed it very much.”
  • “Chris and Carol were wonderful. They taught me a lot. I really enjoyed my time that I spent with them.”
  • “This course was amazing. I learned a lot from attending these classes. I truly will begin using what I have learned. Thank you, Chris and Carol.”
  • “(This was a) Life-Changing Course and an excellent enhancing tool for work and my ministry.”
As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready Life Coaching™ mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready life coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready Providers and Coaches™, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Friday, January 31, 2020

Releasing Certification Class Schedule for 2020

Chris and Carol Green (doctors honoris causa)

Pennsylvania, USA ---- C and C Connections, LLC and Sound Community Solutions, Inc released the official CARE-Ready Leadership Life Coach certification schedule for 2020. The schedule posted live on the website of Sound Community Solutions, Inc. as part of a collaborative effort with C and C Connections, LLC, to provide life coach certification to south central Pennsylvania and surrounding regions.

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

Through their Care-Ready Leadership initiatives and their proven coaching model, Chris and Carol Green retool and equip community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers; empowering them to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives.

"Seating is limited to a maximum of 10 slots," urges Chris Green.

This program utilizes in-class and video conference sessions that involve 12-hours of instruction, homework assignments, group discussions, and a final project that will:
  • Equip you with the foundations of life coaching
  • Provide ice-breakers to open dialogue
  • Provide essential tracking and strategy tools
  • Provide techniques to navigate various personality types & thinking styles
  • Help coaches identify and overcome negative thinking
  • Provide tools to develop a successful thinking plan
  • Present best practices of establishing a life plan
  • Launch you with a customized coaching field manual
Program details, a downloadable course outline, answers to Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ's), Video Testimonials, and links to register online are available at

The program's registration fee is only $200, for those who take advantage of our special Community Partners discount. CALL 717-388-0707 to learn more.

Click on Course Title (below) to access registration pages.