Monday, November 18, 2024

CARE-Ready Life Coach Alum Impacting Homeless Youth in Her Community

CARE-Ready Coach Alum Dee Allen (center), 
at today's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

CARE-Ready Life Coach Alum, DaNatia Allen (Class of June 2021), is making a significant impact by opening the 1st Affordable Housing Building for young adults 18-24 years old. She is successfully reaching out to help homeless youth and young adults in her community.

See the article (below) written by Sedona Meadows

Published: 11:13 AM EST November 18, 2024 on FOX43 News 

The nonprofit, Thrive Housing Services, works with individuals and families as they transition out of homelessness and into permanent housing. 

HARRISBURG, Pa. — It’s Homeless and Hunger Awareness Week and one local nonprofit is bringing attention to a new opportunity for young adults who need assistance with permanent housing. 

Thrive Housing Services opened an affordable apartment building in Harrisburg on Monday for young adults aged 18-24 who are homeless or who are at risk of being homeless.

The organization provides housing and programs that “promote long-term success” while offering an environment where individuals and families can address issues that may have contributed to their homelessness and learn new skills necessary to support themselves. 

“We have life-skill classes, we have cooking classes, we have financial literacy which is extremely important to the stability of housing. We also provide opportunities for work-play balance,” said Executive Director Dee Allen. 

It's a 16-unit building that will provide housing for individuals as well as those who have children. 

"We can't prevent homelessness altogether, but we can at least provide a safe and affordable exit from homelessness. The opportunity for them to gain some skills, learn what they need to do and definitely support their housing stability,” Allen said. 

Some people are already moving into the new units but there are still some available. 

If you are a young adult who is in need of housing, you are encouraged to apply on Thrive Housing Services' website. A secretary will then follow up to schedule an interview with you. 

The organization is always looking for donations from the community, volunteers, as well as movers.

Access the original telecast and article at FOX43 News

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Mental Health Advocates and CARE-Readiness Coaches Promote God's Process of Success

"We were leading while bleeding and hardly anyone knew," write the mental health advocates and CARE-Readiness coaches. "Eventually, we were forced to stop, rest, retreat and reset because success is not only about what you will accomplish. Ultimately it’s about who you will become."

In their life-impacting (Amazon 5-star rated) book, Rest, Retreats, Revival and Other Comedies, subtitled You are Success in ProcessChris and Carol Green talk about the consequences for anyone who chases dreams without discernment, plans a future without God's wisdom, or neglects the stewardship of physical, mental and emotional wellness; especially during and after life-altering critical incidents. They share how God's process eventually led them out of those traps and into healing and wholeness. Their true identity and purpose was rediscovered when they learned how to:
Rest in God and get out of the world's grind mindset; 
Retreat after devastating setbacks and disappointments; 
Revive and reset to come back out fighting again; and to be open, honest and humbled by the 
Comedy of Errors; the mistakes and bad decisions, upon which God extended mercy and grace.

"This book isn't for everyone," the Greens affirm, "It's for that person who is sick and tired of projecting a fake image of confidence and bravery, while masking their deep disappointment behind superficial spirituality.  It's for the person who is no longer looking for a typical self-help manual, filled with inspirational stories and motivational meditations. THIS is the book for that soul who is ready to challenge their core beliefs about why their life keeps going off the rails, to stop blaming 'the devil' for everything that goes wrong, and truly desires to finally break FREE from the unending cycles of dead-ends, defeat and discouragement.

We put ourselves out there, made ourselves vulnerable and accessible, and exposed our true authentic hearts; and when people took advantage of our kindness and compassion, or questioned our competency, motivations, loyalty and integrity, yes, we were taken aback, hurt, and offended (which we hate to admit), and it triggered our introvert instincts to just go home and close the door.

We reached our breaking points when the pressures and challenges began to affect our marriage; when they began to affect our physical and mental health; when insinuations and accusations from outside forces and entities, advanced far beyond mere words spoken against us, to actual intentional actions taken against us that had real life-impacting consequences.

So, we would retreat. And it would be complete pullback moments, cutting off almost everything and everyone (the guilty, the innocent, the perpetrators, and the by-standers). We were in survival mode, burnout and compassion fatigue. But even those triggered-withdrawal responses were part of our process.

We learned that you can't ignore the painful affects of crisis, fatigue or trauma by trying to press forward anyway, or by trying to be who and what others may want you to be for them. We had to rediscover who God actually always intended for us to be for Him."

From the Book's Foreword:

This book is a revelation on how to understand change. It lays out the truth about "process", as productive lives are always on a journey of constant growth and change. To stop growing and changing is to die. 

The Greens are top Searcherdemcians who are not afraid to take new paths to help lift and better humanity. They are not scared to be Searchers of a new way of doing things and because of this, they are fruitful.

They have gone through growth, death, and rebirth, while leading in a new philosophy of education for which the world is crying out. 

I've had the privilege of knowing and working with the Greens for nearly a decade.  I have observed their approach and can vouch for their genuineness and productivity. They have diligently worked, scraped, and sacrificed their way to top stages of influence    

I say, "When all else fails, follow the fruit." Chris and Carol Green are good fruit and have produced tangible evidence and results of their life skills theory, "You are Success in Process." 

In this book, you are sure to find where you are "in your process."  You are sure to find your next step.  You will be encouraged and reassured that you are not alone in your journey.  You will find that you are "God's Success in Process." 

How refreshing is that?!

This is a riveting book that has inspired and impacted my life. 

You will already be succeeding by picking it up.

---Chancellor Michal P. Pitzl,    

United Graduate College and Seminary, Int’l

Available on Amazon Books

Monday, November 4, 2024

People Get Our Vote, But Only God Gets Our Hope

As we prepare for another round of elections, we offer no political opinions. We simply present the spiritual and moral issues that are identified in the Bible. Unfortunately, the issues and interpretations of morality, justice and equality have fallen on two different sides of the dominant political parties in America.

This dilemma causes many Believers to vote for a president who is a Democrat while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Republicans. Or they vote for a Republican president while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Democrats. This is why it’s so difficult to navigate through the political process in our country. It’s also the reason it’s so difficult to explain one’s choices to family, friends and colleagues.

I wrote the following words after Obama was elected president, and they still hold true after the elections of Trump and Biden. Here is what I wrote nearly sixteen years ago and it is incredibly amazing how it still applies to us today:

After we sent an email on the day of President Obama’s inauguration and quoted from the Bible that we are to pray for him, several pastors and leaders in this community, who opposed Obama, discontinued support and communication with this ministry and us. On the other side, friends and family who supported the new president took our email to mean that we were merely offering some form of insincere political patronizing.

We thought we were (and our intentions were) fulfilling our Pastoral leadership responsibility to bring our divided congregations together and to focus on the things that God desires to do in our nation. Our email had nothing to do with either endorsing or rejecting the President.

Here is what we sent out on January 21, 2009:

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone---for kings, and for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior." ---1 Timothy 2:1-3

Make no mistake about it; yesterday (the inauguration) was a profoundly significant day. We still don’t agree with some of President Obama’s policies and agendas. Many of them conflict with Biblical teachings. However, that still doesn’t change the fact that God will use anybody to accomplish what HE wants to do in a nation.

Where did we get the idea that a political leader MUST be someone who follows all of the principles of the Bible in order for God to use that person to accomplish His purpose and plan?

Again, we're not ignoring the agenda of any particular President. We’re actually acknowledging the sovereignty of God. As flawed as we are as human beings, it’s amazing that God chooses us to do anything in this life.

God called Nebuchadnezzar His servant even though he was the emperor that destroyed Jerusalem, killed thousands of people, and carried their best and brightest into exile. God chose him to execute judgment; therefore he was God’s servant (served God's purpose) even though he wasn’t a Godly man.

Political elections are about more than trying to get a scripture-quoting, Bible-toting candidate into Office. This is about getting synchronized with what God is doing in our lifetime in America. If America is under judgment, (and many Christian leaders believe it is) then God will set the person in place that needs to be there at the time of judgment, repentance, recovery or rebuilding.

So we’re going to stay focused on the bigger picture. It doesn’t matter so much who sits in the White House, State Capitol, or sits in the Congress. It still comes down to who is sitting in the Office of MY heart.

We'll close this week's newsletter with the lyrics of a song written by a dear mentor and friend more than 40 years ago.

If you want a brand new world, you gotta have brand new people.
If you want brand new people, we've gotta have a brand new life.
If you want a brand new life, you gotta have a brand new spirit.
If you want a brand new spirit, you gotta come to Jesus Christ!
- Dr. Myles Munroe

We encourage you to cast your vote, but do not cast your cares on a human being. A potential candidate will get our votes, but only GOD gets all our confidence.

Christopher G. Green 
Fruitful Life Educator and Community Servant

Friday, November 1, 2024

Chris and Carol Green Advocate for a Revolution in Hearts and Homes

As America and the world brace for another critical round of elections, Chris and Carol Green have reproduced an assembly of powerful prayers and purposeful strategies that can help families rebuild, restore and renew their hearts and homes in spite of the relentless challenges that they face everyday in these evil and perilous times. 

Chris and Carol write: 

Where do our families fit in the grand scheme of the emerging American Social and Political Revolution? 

We are caught in the cross-fires of economic, social, political, educational and religious wars; while standing on the brink of despair due to neighborhood crime, domestic violence, drug abuse and child trafficking; along with overwhelming outbreaks of mental illness, an epidemic of multiple STDs, the diminishing of parental rights, systemic racism, critical race theories, and an endless list of politically-correct agendas that are buried within current human service and education programs. 

This book, which was originally published in 2015, may surprise you because it does not offer a list of the many ways that traditional families can fight for their rights, freedoms or protection through rallies, politics, protest or marches. Instead, it is a marvelous diary of the same profound, God-ordained strategies and lessons, that have equipped and empowered believers for centuries; filled with the knowledge and wisdom to navigate these challenges from their own homefronts, literally. 

Over the span of three decades, the Greens have worked to convey a Kingdom-of-God-perspective regarding men, women, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, marriage and family, even though it pushes against a pervasive tsunami of 21st century views, perversions and philosophies that has been embraced by many in society.

"You don’t have to read through the chapters in any particular order," the Greens advise.  "Just allow God’s Spirit to lead you through the writings. We are certain that these life inserts will speak directly to your heart and build your faith as you seek God about your family's purpose and Kingdom destiny."

You might think of this book as a collection of the Green's most significant Kingdom downloads, because this compilation truly reveals the heart of God regarding family, and gives you precisely what you'll need to launch an internal revolution that will rebuild, restore and renew your heart and home. 

Available on Amazon Books at