Thursday, July 18, 2024

Carol Green Earns Board-Certified Master Mental Health Coach Credential


Pennsylvania, USA ---- Carol Green officially became a Board-Certified Master Mental Health Coach (BCMMHC) upon completion of the mental health specialization program: Marriage and Family, administered by the American Association of Christian Counselors through Light University. She joins her husband (Chris) who earned his master certification in Februray of 2024.

“Many of our religious and civic leaders have been misinformed and still approach mental health issues from ignorance, stigma, fear, and very bad theology,” Carol and Chris explain.

Many still believe that all people need to do is just quote a scripture, say a prayer, and God will take care of the marital and family conflicts and challenges by miraculously injecting solutions and resolution into their relationships. But God says through Biblical text, that His people perish because of the lack of knowledge. In this aspect of our human experience, we suffer from debilitating ignorance.

In response to this errant mindset and theology, we just wanted to get educated, trained and empowered to address this crisis by learning from other, more knowledgeable and experienced Christian organizations and institutions who bring a balanced and holistic approach to helping individuals and families who are struggling with mental health challenges. We wanted to immerse ourselves in proper education, so that we could better understand the mental health crisis in our own families and communities."

This specialization program from the Dr. James Dobson Center for Marriage and Family Studies involved 42 hours of training and exams that prepares leaders to preserve and promote the institution of the family and the biblical principles on which it is based. It is focused on the training of a generation of leaders to stand in the gap and help strengthen today’s marriages and families.

Before taking on this Master course, Carol had already completed a 42-hour rigorous mental health training program that included:

 1.) First, the completion of a 14-hour course called Foundations of Mental Health Coaching - This introductory course was designed to provide students with an orientation to the field of mental health coaching. Topics covered included the role and scope of mental health coaching within the local church, ethical guidelines and professional standards in coaching, crisis intervention techniques, and the integration of faith and biblical wisdom in coaching.

 2.) Next, the completion of a 14-hour course called Mental Health Coaching Skills -The purpose of this course was to provide students with the fundamental theories and skills of Christ-centered mental health coaching. Key elements of the coaching process, included methods of change, listening, effective communication, giving hope, operating small groups, and counseling theory.

 3.) And finally, the completion of a 14-hour course called Mental and Behavioral Health Disorders - This course introduced students to the fundamentals of mental and behavioral health disorders. Particular emphasis was placed on factors that cause mental disorders, as well as conventional treatments. Conditions discussed included addiction, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Yes, that's a total of 84 hours of training and prepration. As a Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach, credentialed by the International Board of Christian Care   (IBCC), Carol has earned a voluntary global credential that trains and charges its recipients to maintain the highest clinical, ethical and biblical standards of practice.

“I'm very pleased to have earned this credential," Carol concluded. “Now my husband (Chris) and I are better prepared to assist people through our coaching business and ministry. We're also able to become a more successful connection and liaison between those who need help, and the very capable mental health professionals in our community. We are part of an army of mental health coaches that are being trained and deployed across the United States. It's a new day for those who have been suffering in silence in our families, neighborhoods, church pews, classrooms and corporate offices."

Chris and Carol Green are the creators of the CARE-Ready Life Coaching® model: Care-Readiness/ Training/ Certification, and the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute, an online community service preparatory platform. Through their business and school, they empower people to become the change they want to see, and to become the kind and caring light this world so desperately needs.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chris and Carol Green Present Their CARE-Readiness Model to County's Human Service Agencies and Organizations

Pennsylvania, USA --- Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green, were ‘spotlight’ presenters at the Dauphin County Systems of Care Community Partners monthly meeting.

Carol opened the presentation by reading an email from a young woman they had coached and mentored over 20 years ago. The woman had written to thank the Greens for the role they had played in her life. 

“Many of you have similar testimonials,” she told the meeting participants , “It’s because you have that passion for helping people.”

Chris explained the concept of CARE-Readiness with the analogy that some parcels and packages are labeled ‘Handle with Care.’ He then explained how they use the acronym CARE which means  Compassion/ Civility; Awareness/ Accountability; Respect; and Empathy.

He challenged the gathering with three questions:

  1. Are you CARE-ready in your professional and personal life?
  2. Would you like to be even more effective in your people connections?
  3. Who handles you with CARE…. When you’re on the edge of burnout or compassion fatigue?

He explained the differences of coaching vs. mentoring, and coaching vs. counseling in order to clarify what it really means to provide life coaching or, at least, a coaching approach within case management and people-helping.

They also spoke on how CARE-readiness is instrumental for addressing burnout and compassion fatigue.

Chris and Carol Green’s Services and Training include:

Inspiration – Get Your Passion Back

Motivational and Encouraging Presentations


  • Responding with CARE
  • Processed for Success (Aftermath of Burnout & Compassion Fatigue)
  • Rest, Retreats, Revival & Other Comedies (You are Success in Process)

Tools and Practical Application:

  • Listen, Lift, Launch (Level 1) – CARE-Readiness
  • Listen, Lift, Launch (Level 2) – CARE-Ready Coach Certification

Group Coaching (Building CARE Capacity):

  • You are Success in Process
  • What NOW (Navigating the Maze of Transition, Trials and Change)
  • The Honor Role (For Men)
  • Beyond the Resume
  • Making It Work from the Inside Out (Emotional Intelligence: Christ Awareness)

Learn more about the Green's coaching and consulting business, as well as their Care-Ready Model and Training, on their website at