Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chris and Carol Green Adocate for a Revolution in Hearts and Homes

As America and the world brace for another critical round of elections, Chris and Carol Green have reproduced an assembly of prayerful strategies and purposeful applications that can help families rebuild, restore and renew their hearts and homes in spite of the relentless challenges that they face everyday in these evil and perilous times. 

Chris and Carol write: 

Where do our families fit in the grand scheme of the emerging American Social and Political Revolution? 

We are caught in the cross-fires of economic, social, political, educational and religious wars; while standing on the brink of despair due to neighborhood crime, domestic violence, drug abuse and child trafficking; along with overwhelming outbreaks of mental illness, an epidemic of multiple STDs, the diminishing of parental rights, systemic racism, critical race theories, and an endless list of politically-correct agendas that are buried within current human service and education programs. 

This book, which was originally published in 2015, may surprise you because it does not give a list of ways that traditional families can fight for their rights, freedoms or protection through rallies, politics, protest or marches. Instead, it is a marvelous diary of profound, God-ordained strategies and lessons, that have equipped and empowered believers for centuries with the knowledge and wisdom to navigate these challenges from their own homefronts, literally. 

Over the span of three decades, the Greens have worked to convey a Kingdom-of-God-perspective on men, women, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, marriage and family, even though it went against the pervasive tsunami of 21st century views, perversions and philosophies that have been embraced by many in society.

"You don’t even have to go through the chapters in any particular order," the Greens advise their readers.  "Just allow God’s Spirit to lead you through the writings. We are certain that these life inserts will speak directly to your heart and build your faith as you seek God about your family's purpose and Kingdom destiny."

You might think of this book as a collection of the Green's most significant Kingdom downloads, because this compilation truly reveals the heart of God regarding family, and gives you precisely what you'll need to launch an internal revolution that will rebuild, restore and renew your heart and home. 

Available on Amazon Books at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7BLL6S1