Thursday, November 17, 2022

Still Expanding: Over 100 Certified CARE-Ready Life Coaches Across Ten States


Pennsylvania, USA --- Professors Chris and Carol Green, the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute and owners of C and C Connections, LLC, hosted their second and final CARE-Ready Life Coaching® Certification graduation ceremony of 2022, in a powerful and impactful live virtual event.

“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented Chris and Carol Green, whose coaching and consulting business serves as the organizer and facilitator of the training. "This was one of the most engaging and interactive groups that we’ve ever had. These women were absolutely amazing."

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches® completed weekly coursework, submitted reflection presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their unique coaching models, created personalized life coaching field manuals, and successfully passed an online exam. They worked through personal challenges, participated in extended class conversations, scheduled additional office appointments with the instructors, and encouraged one another in their individual journeys of process and discovery.

The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches are: Tracy Boldin, Vikki DeClue, Jasmira Hunter, Audrey Swann, and Ilecia Voughs.

The online ceremony featured congratulations and encouragement from Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Coach, Amethyst Roberson (CARE-Ready graduate of Fall 2021).

"The most important thing is to be the kind of coach that people can trust."  said Counselor and Coach Roberson, speaking virtually to the new coaches. Find the niche that represents clients that are like you, Be the person you needed one year ago or ten years ago. Be who you needed as a kid, fighting to survive and understand the world. Be a life coach that can be real, be raw, and be you! 

People need to know that you are human and have been through tough times, too. Let them know that you are willing to help them; be there for them and guide them. When people know that you are authentic and genuine, they will be more likely to open to you and trust what you have to say! 

Take time to understand their way because the truth is, if they made it to you, then maybe you are a pit stop, a listener, a lifter of someone’s head, and a launching pad for the down and out. In this role, you will have the opportunity to help others decide, delete, delay, delegate, and diminish what no longer serves them."

With the successful graduation of this class, Master Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green have now trained and launched 105 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 38 CARE-Ready™ Responders, who are disbursed and embedded in 40+ organizations, businesses, agencies or ministries across ten states including: California, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

“The C.A.R.E. Ready Life Coach Certification Program has been one of the best courses I have taken," newly certfied coach Ilecia Voughs shared. "I have been able to learn new skills , relate what I’ve learned to my own life, put it into practice, and create my own meaning out of what I gained from the course. I started the course curious and unsure, but I am leaving the course with a confident knowing and blueprint of what I feel God has placed in me to do.

I value the insight and experiences of all the ladies that I was in class with, and look forward to seeing how God continues to move in their lives going forward. I want to thank Toni Green for her support, assistance, and friendly reminders when we needed them.  I would also like to thank our instructors, Chris and Carol Green for their guidance, wisdom, and leadership throughout the class, as well as during individual coaching sessions. We did it! Congrats to everyone!"

The Greens, through their online institution and coaching business, partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International (UGCSI), I Change Nations™, and Fruitful Life Network, Inc, to offer this accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has always been, to equip leaders, working in under-served communities, with high-quality tools that empower them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts. 

Editor's Note:

Learn more about CARE Ready Life Coaching® and its Certification Program at

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Called to the Ministry of Reconciliation

Christopher G. Green (D.Hon.Causa)

I wrote the following 6 years ago after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America. Now that we have just come through the midterm elections, I still stand by these words today:

As I have written and warned in previous blogs, many in the American Christian Church were choosing sides. Millions of Believers were voting based on issues of liberty (religious, civil, moral, etc.). On the other hand, millions were voting based on issues of justice (economical, social, political, etc.). 

Please don't be duped. Get out of your feelings and emotions and really listen to what I’m saying. We cannot win this battle by seeking one or the other (liberty or justice). In our pledge of allegiance, the quote is "liberty AND justice" for ALL. If you fight for liberty at the expense of justice, there will be an uprising from those who are not getting justice. If you fight for justice at the expense of liberty, the entire country will pay the price, falling under the tyranny of the majority.

So how do we get both liberty and justice for all?

I believe both are found only in one government and that is the Kingdom of God. I'm talking about the governance of God in every heart and home.

Now let me make it practical for what is happening in America today. The ugly giants of racism and class-ism are rising and Christian Believers will not be able to ignore them any longer. In today’s world, silence is approval of the suppression of liberty or justice. We must recognize it in our own hearts and expose it in our own Churches. We must deal with the -isms, but joining with or simply ignoring the protests, even in your own heart, is not the way.

The slumbering giant (the True Church) is waking up. It is waking to its mission to win and disciple the nations, to take care of the poor and widows, and to walk and live in unity and love. 

We are Ambassadors of Christ, called to the Ministry of Reconciliation. We are not called to merely fight for liberty, but we must join the fight for justice as well. We can no longer leave these battles to the government or radical activist groups.

A violent overthrow of President-elect Trump and the White Supremacy mindset that is often attached to many of his supporters, will not bring Peace, liberty or justice.  If that were to occur, people would not unite. Instead, such action would only release another set of protests; perhaps a major revolt. 

I'm not a Republican. I'm not a conservative (many people's code word for racist).  I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a progressive (many people's code word for socialist). I’m another one of those registered Independents who has, through the years, sometimes voted for write-ins at the Presidential level, while voting according to my understanding of Biblical priorities at the state and local levels of government. So I have no allegiance to any earthly parties. I ‘m not writing from those perspectives.

Let me start here. 

My government is within me: Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost. On the earth, I can vote for a president, but in reality, I have a king. He is the God of the universe. He told Pontius Pilate, "My Kingdom is not of this world."  

So our role, in this emerging racial and class war, is to promote reconciliation. Specifically, reconciliation to God, and then to one another. That's what the Word of God declares. It’s not an opinion. It's the command of God.

Reconciliation is about bringing opposing forces and enemies together. Every one of us, in the True Church, is called to THIS. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. His word declares that He now pleads to the world through us. 

Over the last week I’ve had to tell myself to get back in focus. Get back to the reason God saved me. Get back to the place where I kept my eyes on the Lord our God.  Let’s seek first the Kingdom of God and get His strategy to reconcile the fight for liberty with the fight for justice. He will do amazing things in the hearts of people.

God says in His word: “Why do the nations rage, imagining a vain thing?” God laughs from the heaven because He has already installed His king. His king is installed in the hearts of His people and they already have a government. They already have a purpose because GOD already has a plan.  His plan is Reconciliation. He desires to reconcile ALL people to Himself and to one another. 

So, before we try to fix America, let’s allow God to work IN us, so He can speak through us to bring reconciliation.

Christopher G. Green
Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

After You Cast Your Vote

"They can get my vote, but God alone gets my heart."

I wrote the following six years ago, and on this midterm election day, it still holds true.

Like millions of people in America, I was engaged in a texting conversation about the upcoming election and what it will mean for American Churches and various Religions in our country. My conversation was with a gentlemen that I highly respect and whose views and opinions are very important to me. While many political conversations are leaving people conflicted, I tend to focus on what we’re going to do on the day after the election; the day after casting my vote and my candidate has either won or lost.

Since I’m a husband, father, life coach, ordained minister, and an overall nice guy (at least my wife of 35 years still thinks so), I must say that the various issues surrounding this election have left, in my humble opinion, millions of people of faith very anxious about this year’s outcome.  

There are various camps, denominations and groups who are vehemently opposed to one another’s political views, even to the point of questioning the legitimacy of the other’s Faith. This level of hostility is very dangerous and the day after the election will simply drive the various fragments of the various Faith camps even further apart.

If we allow this division to fester, it will prove to be a critical mistake. After the election, regardless of the outcome, people of faith will need to rally together like never before. That’s because, many American Christians, who are leaning towards a Conservative as the President, see a loss as the signal to Progressives that they can launch overt attacks against religious liberty in America. However, they see a Conservative victory as, at least, a postponement or pushing back against that tide. 

While all of that may be true, there is another thought that I’d like to throw into the mix of outcomes. The way I see it, no matter if whether Conservatives win or lose this election, there will still be overt assaults on religious freedom. 

In my view, the soil of this nation is so saturated with anti-Christian hatred that Church leaders need to be preparing their leadership teams and congregations for some major public push-back, regardless as to which side wins the election. This is not the time to just sit back and wait to see what happens on November 8th. I believe many Church Leaders will need to have a plan of action in place for November 9th and the days, weeks, and months that follow.

I realize there are those, from certain camps, who feel I’m just inciting fear and speaking negativity that can be used to bring panic upon many in the Church. Actually I’m just asking Church Leaders to implement Proverbs 27:12 which reads, “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

Yes, I say this with great caution. I know this can sound alarmist and overreaching, but we need to realize that this election is not about winners and losers. This is about the way that our society will view the Church on November 9th and beyond.

I want you to consider this; that no matter who wins the election, the Church will be in the middle of a battle. So we must do more than raise the level of our people’s excitement and interest to vote. Don’t give them the impression that everything will be okay if their candidate wins. Like Jeremiah of old, when he was warning Israel of what God said was coming upon them, I’m saying everything won’t be okay. 

Finally, I believe we need to be preparing our church to pray and I mean daily prayer; around the clock prayer; and ‘even if we don’t do anything else on our agenda’ prayer. If we move to this level of prayer, we can actually be setting the stage for the Spirit of God to move upon the Church and even those who may publicly come against it. This could be the beginning of true revival in our country.

When you go and cast your ballot, do not place your confidence in that person. Do not cast your hopes and dreams on that person. They can get my vote, but God alone gets my heart. We are bowing to the will of God. After you cast your votes, I ask that you pause for a moment and say, “Lord, thy Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven.” 

In this act of submission, you will be surrendering your life as an ambassador of Christ that He can work through in the ministry of reconciliation. That’s because we will need the release of the ministry of reconciliation on the day after the election.

I believe November 9th will be Day-One of a new level of spiritual warfare for the Church in America as it returns to its primary assignment of declaring and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in every day life.

Christopher G. Green
Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Presentation to UGCSI Global Consortium of Searcher Professors

UGCSI --- With his wife Carol by his side, Professor Chris Green was the featured presenter in a special online conference of United Graduate College and Seminary International’s Global Consortium of Searcher Professors.

In a live video conference that was hosted by Chancellor Michal P. Pitzl, who founded the Searcher Education model and philosophy, and Chief Chancellor HRH, Dr Clyde Rivers, the purpose of the session was to encourage and empower the attendees with wisdom for their process of building toward and preparation for global opportunities to bring the answers that nations are looking for through the collective impact of Searcher Education.

“We continue to be honored by the opportunities that UGCSI gives us to impart the lessons that we have learned in our journey, with servant leaders from all over the world,” said Professor Chris who, with is wife Carol, provide Administrative Leadership at UGCSI, and oversee the STEP Forward Life Institute. “Five years ago we could never have imagined that we would be teaching on an international platform.”

The session, which included attendees from Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States, began with HRH Dr. Clyde Rivers speaking about his journey and the process he has gone through to reach the top status as the major voice of Civility in the world.

Then, at the request of the UGCSI Chancellors, Professor Green made a presentation about the Biblical precedence and practice of documenting one’s journey and progress. He demonstrated how this practice builds the evidence of success. He revealed that record keeping is so important that God had it documented that the writers of the Bible were documenting. He showed how keeping records saved a man’s life. He shared that we know about the life of Christ because it was documented. And he asked what would be today's understanding of the Church if Luke had not documented the Acts of the Apostles.

In closing, he provided tips and tools for building evidence in one’s Searcherdemic philosophy.

“We thank Professors Chris and Carol for giving us the practical steps forward in this,” Chancellor Pitzl informed the attending professors. “They are ready to help you in this process.”

“This is one of the greatest evenings that I’ve ever enjoyed,” stated Professor Jared Akama Onyari from Kenya. “It was very informative and educating. Searcher education is God’s education. If we have been given this Searcher Education, we should be like the prophets in the Bible. When God was speaking to them, they were working with it and writing it down. I thank you Professor Chris for giving this presentation. We cannot talk of Searcher Education if we are not able to document it for future generations.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

People Get Our Votes, but Only GOD Gets Our Confidence

As we prepare for another election, we offer no political opinions. We simply present the spiritual and moral issues that are identified in the Bible. Unfortunately, the issues and interpretations of morality, justice and equality have fallen on two different sides of the dominant political parties in America.

This dilemma causes many Believers to vote for a president who is a Democrat while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Republicans. Or they vote for a Republican president while others vote for Senators and Congressmen who are Democrats. This is why it’s so difficult to navigate through the political process in our country. It’s also the reason it’s so difficult to explain one’s choices to family, friends and colleagues.

I wrote the following words after Obama was elected president, and they still hold true after the elections of Trump and Biden. Here is what I wrote nearly fourteen years ago and it is incredibly amazing how it still applies to us today:

After we sent an email on the day of President Obama’s inauguration and quoted from the Bible that we are to pray for him, several pastors and leaders in this community, who opposed Obama, discontinued support and communication with this ministry and us. On the other side, friends and family who supported the new president took our email to mean that we were merely offering some form of insincere political patronizing.

We thought we were (and our intentions were) fulfilling our Pastoral leadership responsibility to bring our divided congregations together and to focus on the things that God desires to do in our nation. Our email had nothing to do with either endorsing or rejecting the President.

Here is what we sent out on January 21, 2009:

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone---for kings, and for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior." ---1 Timothy 2:1-3

Make no mistake about it; yesterday (the inauguration) was a profoundly significant day. We still don’t agree with some of President Obama’s policies and agendas. Many of them conflict with Biblical teachings. However, that still doesn’t change the fact that God will use anybody to accomplish what HE wants to do in a nation.

Where did we get the idea that a political leader MUST be someone who follows all of the principles of the Bible in order for God to use that person to accomplish His purpose and plan?

Again, we're not ignoring the agenda of any particular President. We’re actually acknowledging the sovereignty of God. As flawed as we are as human beings, it’s amazing that God chooses us to do anything in this life.

God called Nebuchadnezzar His servant even though he was the emperor that destroyed Jerusalem, killed thousands of people, and carried their best and brightest into exile. God chose him to execute judgment; therefore he was God’s servant even though he wasn’t a Godly man.

Presidential elections are about more than trying to get a scripture-quoting, Bible-toting candidate in the Oval Office. This is about getting synchronized with what God is doing in our lifetime in America. If America is under judgment, (and many Christian leaders believe it is) then God will set the person in place that needs to be there at the time of judgment, repentance, recovery or rebuilding.

So we’re going to stay focused on the bigger picture. It doesn’t matter so much who sits in the Oval Office of the White House. It still comes down to who is sitting in the Oval Office of MY house.

We'll close this week's newsletter with the lyrics of a song written by a dear mentor and friend more than 40 years ago.

If you want a brand new world, you gotta have brand new people.
If you want brand new people, we've gotta have a brand new life.
If you want a brand new life, you gotta have a brand new spirit.
If you want a brand new spirit, you gotta come to Jesus Christ!
- Dr. Myles Munroe

We encourage you to cast your vote, but do not cast your cares on a human being. A potential candidate will get our votes, but only GOD gets all our confidence.

Christopher G. Green (D.Hon.Causa)
Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Chris and Carol Green Launch New Video-On-Demand Life Coach Training and Certification Format


Pennsylvania, USA – Fruitful Life Educators Chris and Carol Green announced the official launch of a new online, video-on-demand format for their nationally and internationally recognized and endorsed Life Coach Certification Program known as Listen, Lift, Launch: Training and Certification in CARE-Ready Life Coaching®. 

“With our new on-demand format, prospective coaches can now go through the training anywhere, anytime, and at their own pace,” the Greens explained. “We are extremely confident that we have produced a quality certificate program that includes video lessons, rigorous exercises, and direct access to online instructors; and that it will be just as impactful as if though our students were walking through it in a live setting.”

More information and details are available through the STEP Forward Life Institute.

As the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute™ and affiliate members of iChange Nations™, the Greens partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer this accelerated and ministry-accredited life coach certificate program for people who have a simple desire to help others. Their collective vision was to offer servant-leaders working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

“We have been blessed to provide life coach training for organizations and individuals for over five years,” said the master life coaches. “Once we got to the point where our sessions were selling out, we started looking toward a day when we could offer the course in an on-demand video format, as well as in-person or via live video conferencing through our coaching and consulting business, C and C Connections, LLC. Our business facilitated and proivided the venue for all of the session recordings.”

With the successful graduation of candidates in November of 2022, they will have launched over 100 CARE-Ready Life Coaches who are disbursed and embedded in nearly 40 organizations, businesses, agencies or ministries across ten states including: California, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaching®, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives.

Many coaching, mentoring, community outreach programs and ministries employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's an attempt to 'fix' broken people through a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning people-helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving them wondering why people fail to break the cycles of addiction, mental health challenges, poverty and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready Life Coaching® mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models that are embedded in the Biblical principles of discipleship in the Kingdom of God. CARE-Ready life coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that encourages and empowers; thus allowing the client to discover true solutions and answers for their lives.

Learn more about the CARE-Ready Life Coaching® and its Certification Program at