“Congratulations to our new CARE-Ready Life Coaches," commented Chris and Carol Green, whose coaching and consulting business, C and C Connections, LLC, serves as the organizers and facilitator of the training. "These powerful women had to overcome tremendous personal struggles, which included processing through grief due to the loss of family members and friends, the continued challenges of the Covid-19 lock down, and other life upheavals."
The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches™ worked through 10 sessions (15 hours) of instruction, successfully passed an online exam, submitted their personalized life coaching field manuals, and made class presentations to express how they were each going to meet the challenges of implementing their coaching models in their communities.
With the successful graduation of this class, Chris and Carol Green have now trained and launched 91 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches and 25 Care-Ready™ Responders who are disbursed and embedded in at least 28 organizations, businesses, agencies or ministries across eight states: California, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
The newest CARE-Ready Life Coaches are: Sol Evans, Dr. Pia Scott, Dr. Latinia Shell, and Raimyiah Stanford.
Comments from the students of this graduating class of August 2021 included:
"Instructors were great! The course was interactive, supportive and educational." - Sol Evans
"I truly enjoyed this coaching program and the facilitators. I learned so much about myself, classmates and coaches. Very informative and I will recommend to others." - Dr. Pia Scott
"Overall, the course was phenomenal both personally and professionally. The content and the spirit-led modality made the class a life-changing experience!!" - Dr. Latinia Shell
"This was an AMAZING CLASS! Very interested in the Master course and becoming a certified trainer." - Raimyiah Stanford
As the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute and affiliate members of, and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with UGCSI to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to equip leaders, working in underserved communities, with high-quality tools that empower them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.
Editor's Note:
Watch the Graduation Video HERE
Learn more about the CARE Ready Life Coach Certification Program at https://www.fruitfullifelearningcommunity.org/care-ready-certification