Thursday, December 17, 2020

Collaborating with Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center


Chris and Carol Green with Pat and Nate Gadsden 
on the Life Esteem TV Program.

Pennsylvania, USA --- Chris and Carol Green officially joined the Advisory Committee of the Life Esteem, Inc's Holistic Wellness Initiative in South Central Pennsylvania. As CARE-Ready Life Coaches and life educators, they continue to lead by example in their local community.

“I’m honored that these two phenomenal people accepted my invitation to join our Advisory Committee,” said Pat Gadsden who is the co-founder of the Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center; and for more than 40 years, has been one of the Capital Region’s recognized leaders in health and wellness for the urban community. 

“We met the Gadsden about three years ago when we were asked to speak at a fund raiser for another wonderful organization in our community,” shares Carol Green, “At the conclusion of that event, the Gadsdens invited us to their Life Esteem television program.  A few months later, the Life Esteem team went through our CARE-Ready Coaching training. That's when we reached a milestone of 50 Certified CARE-Ready Life Coaches at that time.  Afterwards, we worked with Pat, providing co-training for the staff of a local women’s shelter. And of course, we’ve been together at several community events.”

Pat is a successful entrepreneur and respected trainer. She provides consultant services to businesses, state agencies, institutions of higher education, and human-service organizations. When the opportunity came from the State's Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs for Life Esteem to extend services to the Opioid Recovery Community through Holistic Wellness workshops, the Greens were not only brought on board to co-facilitate, but to also join the Holistic Wellness Committee. 

“We were honored and humbled to be asked to join this prestigious Committee,” commented Chris Green, “The Gadsdens are major influencers in this community and we felt it was a natural fit to unite our efforts with this initiative. We believe we can all be much more effective through innovative, solution-based collaboration.”

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Awareness with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Included as Panelists in Spiritual Wellness Workshop

Chris and Carol Green address attendees of Spiritual Wellness Panel Discussion

Pennsylvania, USA ----Today, Community Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green participated as Panelist in a Spiritual Wellness Workshop at the Life Esteem Holistic Wellness Center.  The session was one of eight workshops that were provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. The workshops walk through the Eight Dimensions of Wellness and are designed to help individuals and family members of those who are recovering from opioid addiction.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness are: Environmental Wellness, Occupational Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Social Wellness, Financial Wellness, Physical Wellness and Spiritual Wellness.

“It was an honor to be part of this today,” stated Chris Green. “We met two other awesome panelists, and their journeys and perspectives on Spiritual Wellness were inspiring.”

The other panelists were Jennifer Parsons, who is pursuing Chaplaincy and a Master of Divinity Degree at Eastern Mennonite Seminary; and Vikram Pattarkine, a keen student of yoga and practitioner for over four decades, who follows and actively promotes a natural plant-based diet for personal health and the planet’s sustainability.

All of the workshops have been facilitated by La-Verna Fountain, an influential and respected expert in the fields of Communications, Conflict Resolution and Transformational Speaking, who is an in-demand resource for corporations, organizations, non-profits, and community leaders across all sectors. She brought the Greens on board as presenters of the Occupational Wellness Workshop and as guest on the Spiritual Wellness panel. The workshops were conducted from September through December 2020.

“For us, Spiritual Wellness is about having every aspect your life to come from a motivation of love,” the Greens shared with the attendees. “By love, we mean God, because God is love. It was the fundamental motivation in our 40 years of marriage, our parenting, in our evolutionary process, and in all of our experiential success.”

The main objectives of today’s session were for the participants to come away with an understanding of what is meant by the term  ‘Spiritual Wellness’, to have considered their own spiritual health, and to know the difference between spiritual wellness and religion. From the feedback that was offered at the conclusion of the 3-hour session, the goals were achieved and the audience was thoroughly enriched and encouraged in their spiritual health pursuits.

Editors Note: Watch a brief video clip of the Green's presentation at