Friday, May 10, 2019

New Milestone: Certified 30 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches

Lamont Jones, Dr. Margaret Moore and Larry Washington, Sr.
Commissioned as CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches

Pennsylvania, USA --- With the conclusion of their first Life Coaching Class in 2019, Chris and Carol Green reached another milestone. Since initiating their cutting-edge life coach training in 2018, they have now certified and launched 30 CARE-Ready™ Life Coaches to date.

New Coaches, Lamont Jones, Dr. Margaret A. Moore and Larry Washington, Sr. completed their training by passing an online exam, and by making an oral presentation, revealing how they will implement their unique coaching models in their chosen fields. All three candidates are affiliated with Sound Community Solutions, Inc, a high-impact organization in south central Pennsylvania that works diligently to help ex-offenders in their efforts to re-enter society.

"We are extremely honored that these very special people made a decision to go through our life coach certification program," commented Chris Green. "We recognized and realized this was going to be a very special class from the very first session."

Lamont Jones is a community organizer, as well as a  facilitator and mentor with Sound Community Solutions, Inc. He is an ex-offender who plans to incorporate life coaching in his 'Max Out Initiative'. He says, "I would like to continue to work with my community and people abroad to share my experiences with others, to show them that through trials and tribulations, you can turn your life around."

Dr. Margaret A. Moore serves on the Board of Directors of Sound Community Solutions, Inc. She has more than 40 years of professional experience as a Corrections professional and university professor. As she worked through the program, Dr. Moore was infused with a vision to take this innovative life coaching model into the world of Corrections.

Larry Washington is a coordinator with Sound Community Solutions. He has vast experience as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Correctional case manager, mentor, and spiritual adviser. His primary interest in the program was for human service and pastoral coaching. He plans to use his new tools to build on a coaching model that works seamlessly with his clinical training.

As affiliate members and International Statesmen with iChange Nations™, Chris and Carol Green have partnered with United Graduate College and Seminary International to offer an accelerated, ministry-accredited life coaching certification program. Their collaborative purpose and mission has been, to offer leaders, working in under-served communities, high-quality tools that empower and equip them to be more effective in their humanitarian efforts.

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. They LISTEN to people, LIFT people and LAUNCH people. Then they equip and empower them to do the same for others.

Many coaching, mentoring and community outreach programs employ what is known as a "deficit model" of working with people. That's where you focus on the problems (deficits) of a person, and then apply a set of pre-determined, cookie cutter steps and treatments to address their issues. The deficit-based model is what many well-meaning Helpers use, but it rarely works long-term, leaving Helpers wondering why their clients fail to break the cycles of addiction and recidivism.

However, CARE-Ready Life Coaching™ mirrors the principles found in the proven, Best Practice strategies of Strength-based, Solution-focused models. CARE-Ready life coaches are trained to connect with people in order to build a relationship/ partnership that empowers the client; thus allowing the client to discover the solutions that will work best for them.

Also, while many coaching programs focus on how to target potential high-paying affluent clients, and high-paying speaking opportunities, the Greens train, equip and empower Care-Ready Providers and Coaches™, who are willing to take on the most often overlooked people of society; those who live in under-served communities, who can least afford, but benefit the most from professional guidance.

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, EXPLORE THAT POSSIBILITY at