Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Offering Hope to the City's Unemployed

Pennsylvania, USA ----Community Life Coaches Chris and Carol Green, returned to the Pennsylvania CareerLink's Job Club to again uplift, encourage and empower the unemployed in their community.

"That workshop was incredibly awesome!" said Coach Chris Green. "At one point our dignity-restoring workshop was going so well that someone actually said 'amen' during the presentation."

Held just weeks before the holiday season, the workshop literally captured the group. Every example, anecdote, story, and word of advice seemed to hit home in every heart. At the beginning, it was a very melancholy group with lots of heaviness hanging in the atmosphere, but by the end, people were talking and engaging.

"There is definitely something special happening with this community outreach," explains Coach Carol Green, "We believe we've been given this open door to restore dignity, give wisdom and heal hurting people, desperately trying to find jobs."

This was the Green's third successful monthly workshop. The class was at maximum capacity, having seen its numbers growing monthly. 

"How awesome is that?" added Coach Chris Green, "We're just trying to do our part to lift up and encourage people who are in a very tough season of unemployment."

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Life Coaches, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Awareness with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. 

If you want to be trained and empowered to coach or mentor with a purpose that's greater than yourself, explore the possibilities at


Friday, November 20, 2015

Chris and Carol Green Receive Golden Rule International Award


Harrisburg PA ---Chris and Carol Green received the Golden Rule International Award (World Peace Ambassadorship) for living a life that exemplifies the motto of the Golden Rule International, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” 

The Greens believe that every life is valuable and created for a purpose. They live their lives around this understanding and it is evident in their work. They are the Founders and Leaders of Fruitful Life Network, Inc, a community-focused community service initiative. Some of their accomplishments include, publishing 14 books, the production of over 150 songs, the creation of their Fruitful Living Online Courses, and establishing a Consulting and Coaching Business. They have chosen to partner with various organizations, groups, business and urban community outreach efforts in their region. Their lives are dedicated to helping others. They are also the recipients of the iChange Nations™ Community Ambassador Award.

Ambassador Rivers commented, “Since the value of life is so important to our organization, it is such a privilege to honor the Greens for all they are doing to help others. Their lives bear the fruit of the Golden Rule, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ They are a powerful force in the world and I believe will continue to encourage all mankind.” 

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ a professional institution that equips, mentors and trains highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of life and basic human rights.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Giving Hope, Restoring Dignity to the City's Unemployed

Pennsylvania, USA ---- Urban Community Ambassadors, Chris and Carol Green, were invited to EDSI - PA CareerLink® Capitol Region's Job Club in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the second consecutive month to host what the Greens call a 'Beyond the Resume' Life Coaching workshop. 

EDSI operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, serving the unemployed and underemployed populations of Pennsylvania. Their core services include job readiness workshops, job search, the Job Club and other career development topics. 

"We held our first workshop in October," explains Coach Chris Green, "We seized the opportunity to give hope and restore the dignity of those who were unemployed in our city."

"After that first workshop, several people said the presentation gave them a new way to view themselves as they face a very tough job landscape," added Coach Carol Green, "Most seemed to be very encouraged." 

Coach Chris Green said, "From our perspective, we were just thrilled to be able to move out beyond the walls of the church setting and reach people who needed hope in a time of great despair."

EDSI - PA CareerLink® invited Chris and Carol Green back again in November. 

"It was just before Thanksgiving, so it was kind of tough for the participants," Coach Carol Green explained, "That month, we had a wonderful, engaging conversation as we explored various workplace personality profiles and offered tips on how to work with conflicting personality types and how to improve one's own responses to others."

The session came alive with conversation, questions and comments. During their sessions, the Greens introduced their Life Coaching website and offered the opportunity for participant to attend to their weekly small group sessions.

The Career Link site-administrator sat in on part of the November workshop and later proposed that the Greens return to conduct a session for her staff. Afterwards, the Community Life Coaches were placed on the PA CareerLink regular monthly schedule, establishing another step in their CARE-Ready approach to uplifting lives in the urban community.

As the world's leading producers of CARE-Ready Coaches™, Chris and Carol Green teach and train community, government and education leaders, human service organizers, business visionaries, and neighborhood dreamers how to be much more effective by embracing the principles of CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy) in their professional and personal lives. 


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reaching the Lost in the Urban World

Chris and Carol Green are the founders and leaders of Urban Life Family Center, a faith-based, family-focused life coaching center with an extensive internet outreach.

As urban family advocates, marriage consultants, and family life coaches, they established Urban Life to equip and empower urban people to fulfill their God-given purpose. 

They launched the Family Center, which began as a local church, in September of 2004, and through the years they found themselves coaching women in the aftermath of divorce, navigating families in crisis, and guiding individuals searching for ways to break unhealthy lifestyle cycles and patterns. They have provided personal consultation and online courses for couples preparing for marriage and for couples in the midst of marital conflict.

They bring a unique hope-centered approach, specifically in their guidance, encouragement and coaching of young women and young men who are seeking to build a better future for themselves and their children (trying to break out of the welfare system).

Students, clients, and online seekers meet with Chris and Carol in a multi-media suite or online for practical instruction that teaches them how to invest their time, talents and treasure into the fulfillment of the Great Commandment (Love God, Love yourself, Love others) and the Great Commission (Go and change the world).

The Urban Life strategy is to simply follow the model already established in the Bible, where the goal wasn't to build a religion, but to bring such change in a person's heart, that they develop a desire to help others also discover the right paths in life.

For the last 10 years, Chris and Carol haved worked full-time jobs and volunteered all of their services to help people on weekends. They received no salary and no special compensation. During those years of small beginnings, they gave away the recordings of their sessions via DVD's and CD's, as well as ALL of their books and printed materials to those who attended the sessions.

While equipping attendees weekly from their media suite, this couple constructed a solid, new-generation internet outreach that connects with and brings healing to families through an online video channel for couples, an online channel for men, an online channel for women, free daily-inspirational book downloads, on-demand podcasts, and various social media initiatives (i.e. weekly e-Newsletters, Google+, Twitter, Facebook and Skype); all designed to equip people of the 21st century urban community with hope-centered teaching and training that will build their faith and families.

Their only call today is: Who will unite with us to reach the lost in the urban world?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Chris and Carol Green Release Compilation Book, Empowering and Equipping Hearts and Homes


Chris and Carol Green have produced an assembly of prayerful strategies and purposeful applications that can help families rebuild, restore and renew their hearts and homes in spite of the relentless challenges that they face everyday in these evil and perilous times. 

Chris and Carol write: 

Where do our families fit in the grand scheme of the emerging American Social and Political Revolution? 

We are caught in the cross-fires of economic, social, political, educational and religious wars; while standing on the brink of despair due to neighborhood crime, domestic violence, drug abuse and child trafficking; along with overwhelming outbreaks of mental illness, an epidemic of multiple STDs, the diminishing of parental rights, systemic racism, critical race theories, and an endless list of politically-correct agendas that are buried within current human service and education programs. 

This book may surprise you because it does not give a list of ways that traditional families can fight for their survival through rallies, politics,  protest or marches. Instead, it is a marvelous diary of profound, God-ordained experiences and lessons, that have equipped and empowered believers with knoweledge and wisdom to navigate today's challenges from their own homefront, literally. 

Over the span of a decade, the Greens worked to convey a Kingdom message, even though it went against the pervasive tide of the 21st century views, perversions and philosophies that have been embraced by many in society.

You might think of this book as a collection of their most significant downloads, or the best of their Internet letters, because this compilation truly reveals the heart of God regarding family, and gives you precisely what you'll need to launch an internal revolution that will rebuild, restore and renew your heart and home. 

"You don’t have to read the chapters in any particular order," the Greens advise their readers. "Just allow God’s Spirit to lead you through the writings. We are certain that these messages will speak directly to your heart and build your faith as you seek God about your family's purpose and Kingdom destiny."

Available on Amazon Books at

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Our Time Has Come

After our monthly Unite to Restore meeting, this group of people gathered around us and began to talk and encourage us. We took this picture to commemorate a powerful move of God in which a mighty travail fell upon Pastor Carol as she gave birth (spiritually) to the twin ministry we have been carrying since moving to this area.

It all began when the woman (Rania Sayegh) standing in front of us, started asking me questions about the African-Americans and the disconnect with Israel. She is an Arab Believer who founded a prayer ministry in Nazareth called HOPE (House of Prayer and Exploits). She is a well-known speaker and intercessor from that part of the world. She took out her mobile device and recorded my answers and responses to her questions. The Spirit fell upon me as I talked and the whole group gathered around us. They prophesied and prayed over us for about 30 minutes.

The other woman (Jillienne Beaver) standing in front of Carol, leads worship in a 24/7 house of prayer in Jerusalem and is an intercessor in the HOPE prayer ministry as well. The couple pictured on our left is from Pittsburgh, PA. They brought the women to the meeting that night. Pictured on our right is Abby Abildness, who you guys already know and standing next to her is a woman who is a Nigerian Bishop.

For some reason, God has included us in this elite group of world-class speakers and intercessors.

While praying for us, Jillienne said, "I don't know if you realize who these people are that are praying for you, but I'm honored to meet you. This is a historic moment."

They spoke out many powerful things. They spoke of things that are too humbling to mention. Just know that our time has come to walk away from our government jobs and move forward into the next level of ministry.

As we drove to this meeting, we asked God to speak to us and HE met us; He overwhelmed us. It was such a powerful moment that we all felt we should take this photo because it was a very important, historic moment. We just feel that years from now, we will look back at this photo and be blown away at how God brought us together.

The Nigerian Bishop has already invited us to come to her country to minister there in October. Rania Sayegh has invited us to come to Nazareth.

Abby is begging us to not move away from this region because, as she said it, "Harrisburg needs a Father and Mother, too."

We have another invitation back to Cumberland Valley, PA to minister at the end of this month and we just received an invitation to St. Louis, MO in September.

God is moving. Our time has come.

We're asking all to join us in praying about this. We're at a crossroad. I've even been told by my boss, that my job is coming to an end.

We certainly don't have the finances to go to these places, but we have the Word of the Lord.

This is the moment we've been waiting for, all of lives.

It's all for the harvest!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Roll with the Remnant



All over our nation and right here in Harrisburg, we are watching church attendance drop as people either walk away from church membership or leave one assembly to connect with another one across town. However, many of the places to which they shift, are experiencing a decline in attendance as well.

For ten years, we have held steady, hovering between ten and twelve people per week, month in and month out, year in and year out; as many different people have come and gone over time.

Just like the Lord told us, we have been more like a hospital or a medical clinic, where people, injured in their life’s journey, have stopped in just long enough for recovery and restoration. Afterwards, most of them have moved on to larger settings, where other needs can be met beyond what we have to offer.

For several years, we were discouraged by this assignment and role in this community, but now we have learned to accept it simply because it’s the assignment and role that God has given us.

At the same time, God has given us a core group who have committed themselves to helping us fulfill the calling that God has given us in this community.

There was a time when we were very disappointed because it seemed we would never establish the minimum capacity of people that we needed to carry this work. Now we realize, God took us through the Gideon process, at least internally, and today we are willing to roll with a remnant. Gideon started out with a vast number, but after God’s weeding-out process, he was reduced to less than 1 percent of his initial army. God showed Gideon that HE didn’t need a large number of people to complete the task. He just needed a remnant.

We believe that this process is spreading throughout our country. God is weeding out churches and ministries, reducing their numbers, reassigning many of His people into different assemblies. HE is setting up pockets of His true army so we will be in strategic positions as He launches forth a tsunami-like revival, sweeping across this nation.

That’s why we are still HERE and that’s why we’re still meeting each week. God told us to stop TALKING about the coming revival and the ripening harvest and to start BEHAVING like it's already here. That's why we changed the entire design and setting of the Urban Life assembly space. That's why, last Sunday, WE WENT FOR IT! We changed our meeting space to make it a lot more accommodating for ministering in a safe and intimate environment. It's an atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit can literally overwhelm us in the love and power of God.

So, from now on, feel free to invite family, friends, coworkers or neighbors to the Table of the Lord. A wonderful banquet awaits them. We believe God will meet people in a special way. They can come to the Family Center on any given Sunday. We don’t have an agenda from week to week. We’re just going to ROLL WITH THE REMNANT.