Friday, February 11, 2011

Be a Sermon: My African American History Moment

Chris Green, PA Dept of Education

Today, I was asked to MC the African American History Month Luncheon Celebration for the PA Dept of Education. Due to the weather, none of the guest, including the keynote speaker, was able to make it. Soooooo, I was asked to fill in and give some remarks....

...It's funny how God will set you up for those Once-In-A-Lifetime-moments.... I'm sitting at home in a snow storm one day. I'm standing in front of my peers at a podium the next day. Boy, I sure didn't see that coming.

Well, I MC'd the event from start to finish: Trivia questions: I introduced the Secretary of Education who greeted everyone and gave a short speech; I read the Governor's official proclamation and played a special video clip. Then came the moment to give the closing remarks.

I thanked the Secretary and the Executive Deputy Secretary for the opportunity to work for the Department. I cited Dr. King's "dream" speech and thanked them for hiring me based upon the content of my character and for not judging me based on the color of my skin.

I explained that Faith is always a part of the African American celebration because even though there is discussion about the separation of Church and State, there is no separation between FAITH and State.

I gave a brief history of my ancestry (which included the founding of a school in Mississippi) and said our faith brought us through and that is what was instilled in me... to be a person of character and faith. When I was hired by the Dept of Education to work in the press office, they were not only looking for a person of skill and education, but they were looking for a man of character.

I almost got choked up and emotional as I looked around the room and expressed my gratitude for getting to know many of the people as friends and colleagues. I told them that this has been one of the best experiences of my life, to get to know and work with them. I received a very nice ovation.

Afterwards, there were several compliments and even a hug. A couple of emails of thanks came later on in the day. This was one of those special moments, set up by GOD. For 4 years I've just gone to work and tried to be an example as a husband, father, co-worker and friend. I never tried to be PASTOR Chris. Then in one day, I was given an opportunity to share my heart with the people on my job. I'm still amazed.

If God sent us to Harrisburg to simply live the life, then we could pack up and leave tomorrow, and we would feel totally fulfilled and at peace. We would know that we didn't fail in Harrisburg.

Today showed me that it has never been about becoming the pastor of a church, but about bringing the life of Christ into the real world. Anybody can preach a sermon, but it's far more important to BE A SERMON.